◎ウクライナに最新鋭の冶金プラントInterpipe Steelが開所

Interpipe Steel

◎ウクライナに最新鋭の冶金プラントInterpipe Steelが開所

AsiaNet 50945

共同JBN 1294 (2012.10.9)

◎ウクライナに最新鋭の冶金プラントInterpipe Steelが開所

【ドニエプロペトロフスク(ウクライナ)2012年10月9日PRN=共同JBN】ウクライナが独立して以来、一から建設された最初の冶金プラントである電気式溶融炉工場のInterpipe Steelが10月4日、ドニエプロペトロフスクで開所した。開所式にはウクライナのビクトル・ヤヌコビッチ大統領が出席した。

Interpipe Steelはウクライナ独立以来、最大の単独民間投資である。工場はトップ3の冶金装置メーカーの一つItalian Danieliから革新的な鉄鋼溶融炉の技術を結集し、鉄鋼生産の国際的な成功事例に基づいて完成された。この組み合わせは21世紀の新しい冶金生産理念を打ち立て、鉄鋼業界にとっては新たな一歩となる。


Interpipe Steelの開所は、ウクライナとドニエプロペトロフスク市の文化史に新たな基準点となる。工場とともに、同市にはオラファー・エリアソン氏の芸術プロジェクト「Dnipropetrovsk Sunrise(ドニエプロペトロフスクの日の出)」という新しいシンボルが建立された。このプロジェクトは、エリアソン氏が工場に常設し、工場の一部として特に制作した5つの大型の最高傑作でできている。Dnipropetrovsk Sunriseはウクライナの産業ルネッサンスの象徴である。




Interpipe Steelコンプレックスの写真は以下のサイトで見ることができる。



Interpipe Steelは、過去40年間にウクライナでゼロから建設された最初の冶金プラントである。その技術、労働条件、環境保護基準のレベルを考慮すると、Interpipe Steelは産業発展の新段階を明確に象徴している。投資総額は7億米ドルである。

Interpipe Steelは、鉄鋼とパイプの生産に同社のビレットを提供するInterpipeにとって重要な投資プロジェクトである。この工場が2014年に設計稼働率に達すれば、Interpipeのシームレスパイプ生産のためのビレット自給率は90%になる。新工場の生産量は年間132万トンで、この種の企業では東欧で最大となる。

新しい工場の職員の平均年齢は31歳である。Interpipe Steel職員の約76%が大卒である。一部の職種では、1つの職に10人の応募がある。職員の半数以上が外国で追加トレーニングを受けている。

新しい電気式溶融炉工場の開所によって、Interpipeは、鉄鋼生産では時代遅れとなった平炉式の溶鉱方式を放棄することが可能となる。新工場は鉄鋼のトン当たりの電源入力を2倍以上も削減し、環境への汚染物質の排出を2・5倍も削減する。これに加えて、Interpipe Companyは天然ガス消費を6000万立方メートル削減する。

ソース:Interpipe Steel

Interpipe Steel Opening - for the Workers, the City, and Society  




    October 4, in Dnepropetrovsk the electric steel melting complex Interpipe

Steel - the first metallurgical plant built from scratch since Ukraine became

independent, was opened. President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich participated in

the opening ceremony.

    INTERPIPE STEEL is the largest single private investment since Ukraine

became independent. The mill combines innovative steel melting technologies

from one of the top three metallurgical equipment producers, Italian Danieli,

and works on the basis of international best practices in steel production.

This combination creates a new metallurgical production philosophy for the 21st

century - a new step for the steel industry.

    This steel mill's state-of-the-art equipment and green technology enable

Interpipe to replace outdated open hearth steel production. This will reduce

energy consumption per tonne of steel by 2,2 times, decrease emissions by 2,5

times, and shorten the consumption of natural gas by 60 million cubic meters.

The mill will create 700 new jobs.

    The launch of INTERPIPE STEEL will become a new reference point in the

cultural history of Ukraine and the city of Dnipropetrovsk. Along with the

mill, the city will get a new symbol - Olafur Eliasson's art project

"Dnipropetrovsk Sunrise". It consists of five large scale masterpieces,

conceived by the artist specifically as permanent installation and integral

part of the mill. Dnipropetrovsk Sunrise is a metaphor of the industrial

renaissance of Ukraine.

    "When we thought about the construction of a new mill, we had a dream - to

create the most up-to-date metallurgical production in Ukraine," Victor

Pinchuk, the founder of Interpipe, comments. " But in the course of our work we

realized that we are able to do more. And we have created a mill, combining

innovative technologies and production culture with contemporary art. This mill

is the first and only one of its kind, built for the workers, the city, and

society. And for me, the mill is also a tribute of honor to generations of

Ukrainian metallurgists".

    "Metallurgy is one of the basic industries of the Ukrainian economy. But

ask yourself: where do today's graduates want to work? They still dream of

being lawyers or bankers but not engineers," Alexander Kirichko, Interpipe CEO,

says. "I'm sure we have created a mill where specialists with

university-degree, who are ready to build the metallurgy of the next

generation, would like to work. The mill is modern and dynamic, just like our

employees. Our next objective is to have a line of young and highly educated

people at all mills of our company".

    The new mill is open for visitors. With guided tours, guests can familiarize

themselves with the innovative steel melting technologies and enjoy the world

class masterpieces of contemporary art. Find all details regarding the tours at

the website http://www.interpipe.biz

    To find the photos of the INTERPIPE STEEL complex follow the link


[https://picasaweb.google.com/103949708125261242474/InterpipeSteelOpening ]


    Interpipe Steel is the first metallurgical plant, built in Ukraine from

scratch for the last 40 years. Considering its level of technology, labor

conditions, and environmental protection standards, it obviously represents a

new phase in the development of the industry . The total volume of investments

has amounted to 700 million US dollars.

    INTERPIPE STEEL is a key investment project for Interpipe that will provide

steel and pipe production with its own billets. When the mill reaches its

designed capacity rate in 2014, the self-sufficiency in billets for INTERPIPE

seamless pipes' production will rise to 90 %. The production capacity of the

new mill will be 1.320 million tons a year, making it the largest enterprise of

this kind in Eastern Europe.

    The average age of the new mill employees is 31 years. Approximately 76% of

INTERPIPE STEEL employees have a university degree. For some professions there

were 10 applicants per job. More than a half of the employees have undergone

additional training abroad.

    The launch of the new electric steel melting complex will also allow the

Company to give up the obsolete open-hearth furnace method of steel production.

This will reduce power inputs per ton of steel by more than two times and will

cut down the emissions of polluting substances into the environment by 2.5

times. In addition to that, INTERPIPE Company will cut down its natural gas

consumption by 60 million cubic meters.

    Source: Interpipe Steel




