◎アジア/環太平洋地区責任者にJ・ザビエル氏 サーチアンドサーチ・ファロン

Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group

◎アジア/環太平洋地区責任者にJ・ザビエル氏 サーチアンドサーチ・ファロン

AsiaNet 50959

共同JBN 1300 (2012.10.10)

◎アジア/環太平洋地区責任者にJ・ザビエル氏 サーチアンドサーチ・ファロン

【ロンドン2012年10月9日PRN=共同JBN】フランスのPublicis傘下のサーチアンドサーチ・ファロン(Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon)グループは9日、ヨハン・ザビエル(Johann Xavier)欧州・中東アフリカ(EMEA)地域担当最高財務担当者(CFO)が成長著しいアジア/環太平洋地域事業部門に加わることになったと発表した。ザビエル氏はグループ内で顕著な成長を見せているアジア太平洋地域および大中国圏に異動する。異動先では2人の強力な地域担当最高経営責任者(CEO)、クリス・フォスター(Chris Foster、アジア太平洋担当)、ジャスティン・ビリングスリー(Justin Billingsley、大中国圏担当)の両氏と強力なパートナーシップを築くことになる。

    (Photo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121009/NY88647





同氏はサーチアンドサーチのために多くの合併・買収(M&A)案件を成功させてきた。最近ではBlack Empowerment パートナーズの南アフリカ事業の買収にかかわる取引のイニシアチブをとった。

ザビエル氏はケンブリッジ大学経営学修士(MBA)プログラム、ジャッジ・ビジネススクールを卒業。最近、ベビーブーマーを対象にしたマーケティング戦略に関するペーパー、「A Golden Opportunity: Marketing To The Future Grey Population」を共著で出版した。



▽サーチアンドサーチ(Saatchi & Saatchi)について

Publicisグループ(OTC-QX: PUBGY)の一部で、世界第3位の広告代理持ち株会社。サーチアンドサーチ・ネットワークの顧客には、ドイツテレコム/T-Mobile、General Mills、クラフトフーズ/キャドバリー、Mead Johnson、ノバルティス、プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル、ソニー・エリクソン、トヨタ、VISAヨーロッパが含まれる。


James Byrne



ソース:Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group



New Role For Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group's Johann Xavier


LONDON, Oct. 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

       CFO Joins Company's Asia/Pacific Rim and Greater China Division

    Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group, the Publicis-owned global advertising

agency network, announced today that Johann Xavier, CFO of the Group's EMEA

region, is joining the Asia/Pacific division. He is moving to the network's

rapidly growing Asia/Pacific Rim and Greater China territories. There, he will

be forming a strong partnership with the two Regional CEOs, Chris Foster

(Asia/Pacific) and Justin Billingsley (Greater China).

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121009/NY88647 )

    "This exciting new role gives Johann the opportunity to fully optimize his

entrepreneurial and commercial instincts as he moves to this growth region for

Saatchi. There will surely be a great deal of change that will keep him on his

toes and we wish him the very best," said Robert Senior, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi

Fallon Group EMEA.

    In the opinion of Bill Cochrane, Worldwide CFO, "Johann has proved his

ability to work to great effect across many territories. He is ideally suited

for his new role in this most vibrant business environment. This is a natural

next leg in what seems like Johann's World Tour!"

    Xavier takes with him invaluable experience and learnings from both his

time in North America, as COO of Saatchi & Saatchi Canada (where he turned loss

into profit), and also as EMEA CFO, managing the region through uniquely tough

economic conditions. Further, Xavier's cross-cultural experience and his

ability to sensitively bridge differences (the EMEA region alone is made up of

17 different countries with very individual ways of working) suits his work


    Additionally Xavier has proven expertise in mitigating risks and in

compliance, having worked as project leader with the Publicis Groupe.

    He has successfully executed a number of M&A strategies for Saatchi &

Saatchi. He recently initiated the transaction to acquire the South African

operation with the Black Empowerment partners.

    Xavier, a graduate of the University of Cambridge MBA programme, Judge

Business School, recently co-authored  a paper on marketing to Baby Boomers: 'A

Golden Opportunity: Marketing To The Future Grey Population'.

    Xavier highly values creativity. "I want to be an enabler of a great

creative product and help provide the fuel to let the company capture market

share, and take it to the next level."

    He looks forward to working closely with his new colleagues and observes,

"In a changing world, client expectations of what marketing means and what

agencies provide demands we embrace new technologies and find compensation

models that are fair and transparent to all."

    About Saatchi & Saatchi

    Part of the Publicis Groupe (OTC-QX: PUBGY), the 3rd largest communications

holding company, Saatchi & Saatchi's Network clients include Deutsche

Telekom/T-Mobile, General Mills, Kraft Foods/Cadbury, Mead Johnson, Novartis,

Procter & Gamble, Sony Ericsson, Toyota and VISA Europe.


    James Byrne



    SOURCE: Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group

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