◎内臓痛世界年始まる 国際疼痛学会がキャンペーン

International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

◎内臓痛世界年始まる 国際疼痛学会がキャンペーン

AsiaNet 50953

共同JBN 1298 (2012.10.15)

◎内臓痛世界年始まる 国際疼痛学会がキャンペーン

【シアトル2012年10月15日PRN=共同JBN】The Global Year Against Visceral Pain(内臓痛世界年)が15日に始まり、身体の内臓の中あるいはその付近に起因する痛みに対する世界的関心を高める。内臓痛は苦痛では最も頻繁に起きる症状であり、大多数の人々が一度は経験しており、治療を求める患者の第一番目の理由になっている。国際疼痛学会(IASP)(http://www.iasp-pain.org/about)が後援する12カ月にわたるこのキャンペーンは、医療専門家、政府指導者とともに国民意識に対する教育を最重視する。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121015/DC88654LOGO







Global Year Against Visceral Painの一環として、IASPは臨床医、医療専門家向けに内臓痛に関係する特定のトピックを扱った一連のファクトシート(http://www.iasp-pain.org/GlobalYear/VisceralPain/FactSheets)を提供する。さらにウェブ上では世界年を勧奨するリンクや無料ポスターを含む一連の資料ページ(http://www.iasp-pain.org/GlobalYear/VisceralPain/Resources)が提供される。世界年を通じて、IASPとその支部は会合、シンポジウム、メディア会見、出版その他の努力を主催して、内臓痛にかかわる諸問題についての教育を進める。


ソース:International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)


Karen Smaalders,

IASP Director of Marketing, Communications, and Membership,

+1-206-283-0311, ext. 225,


IASP Sponsors Global Year Against Visceral Pain


SEATTLE, Oct. 15, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           Initiative promotes better visceral pain management through

                              increased awareness

The Global Year Against Visceral Pain launches today, bringing global attention

to pain that originates in or near the internal organs of the body. Visceral

pain is the most frequent form of pain, felt by most people at one time or

another, and the number one reason for patients to seek medical attention.

Sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

[http://www.iasp-pain.org/about ], the 12 - month campaign focuses on education

for health care professionals and government leaders as well as public


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121015/DC88654LOGO )

Visceral pain associated with ailments such as gallstones, acute pancreatitis,

acute appendicitis, and diverticulitis are the most common reasons for visits

to outpatient and inpatient gastrointestinal (GI) clinics, but visceral pain

may also include chronic chest pain, bladder pain, gynecological pain, and

pelvic pain. Up to 25% of the population report visceral pain at any one time,

leading to substantial health care costs.

Led by urogenital pain and gastroenterology experts Timothy Ness, M.D., Ph.D.

(USA), and Qasim Aziz Ph.D., FRCP (UK), the IASP initiative will mobilize

IASP's 8,000+ members and 88 national chapters, and forge partnerships with

other organizations, to:

-- disseminate information about visceral pain worldwide;

-- educate pain researchers as well as health care professionals who see the

   issues associated with visceral pain firsthand in their interactions with


-- increase awareness of visceral pain among government officials, members of

   the media, and the general public worldwide; and

-- encourage government leaders, research institutions, and others to support

   policies that result in improved pain treatment for people with visceral


As part of the Global Year Against Visceral Pain, IASP offers a series of fact

sheets [http://www.iasp-pain.org/GlobalYear/VisceralPain/FactSheets ] for

clinicians and health care professionals that cover specific topics related to

visceral pain. These fact sheets are translated into multiple languages and

available for free download. Also available on the web is a page of resources

[http://www.iasp-pain.org/GlobalYear/VisceralPain/Resources ] including links

and free posters promoting the Global Year. Throughout the coming year, IASP

and its chapters sponsor meetings, symposia, media interviews, publications,

and other efforts to promote education on issues surrounding visceral pain. For

more information, visit: www.iasp-pain.org/GlobalYear/VisceralPain.  

SOURCE: International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

CONTACT: Karen Smaalders, IASP Director of Marketing, Communications, and

Membership, +1-206-283-0311, ext. 225, Karen.smaalders@iasp-pain.org




