◎上級副社長にドルーズ氏  ファローが首脳人事発表


◎上級副社長にドルーズ氏  ファローが首脳人事発表

AsiaNet 51043

共同JBN 1320 (2012.10.17)

◎上級副社長にドルーズ氏  ファローが首脳人事発表

【シュツットガルト(ドイツ)2012年10月16日PRN=共同JBN】ファローテクノロジーズ社(FARO Technologies、Nasdaq: FARO)は16日、ファロー欧州本社の上級副社長兼マネジングディレクターにラルフ・ドルーズ(Ralf Drews)氏を任命したと発表した。2013年1月7日に就任する。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110415/MM84316LOGO

ドルーズ氏は過去4年、米ペンシルベニア州ピッツバーグの米国Draeger Safety, Inc.の最高経営責任者(CEO)兼地域マネジャーを務めていた。ドイツのリューベックに本社を置くDraeger社は医療、安全技術分野の国際的リーダーである。

ドルーズ氏は1991年、設計技師としてDraeger社のキャリアを開始、事業保護のR&Dプロジェクトマネジャー、ガス検知事業の国際R&D本部長、Draeger Safety社グローバルR&D本部長などを歴任、次第に重責を担うようになった。

11件の国際特許を保有するドルーズ氏はドイツのリューベック応用科学大学で工学修士号を取得した。今年11月に出版される書籍「Innovation in Pricing - Contemporary Theories and Best Practices」(価格設定の革新-最新理論と成功事例)の寄稿者の一人でもある。






ソース:FARO Technologies


Greg Richards - Supervisor

Public Relations & Events


+1-407-562-5036 direct

+1-407-562-5222 fax

Ralf Drews Named Senior Vice President and Managing Director for FARO Europe  


STUTTGART, Germany, Oct. 16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

FARO Technologies (Nasdaq: FARO) announced today that Ralf Drews has been named

Senior Vice President and Managing Director of FARO Europe, effective January

7, 2013.

(Logo:  http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110415/MM84316LOGO )

For the last four years, Mr. Drews has been Chief Executive Officer and

Regional Manager of the Americas for Draeger Safety, Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA.  

Headquartered in Lubeck, Germany, Draeger is a global leader in the fields of

medical and safety technology.

Mr. Drews started at Draeger as a Design Engineer in 1991.  He served in roles

of increasing responsibility including Project Manager R&D for Business Unit

Protection, Head of International R&D for Business Unit Gas Detection and Head

of Global R&D of Draeger Safety.

The owner of 11 international patents, Mr. Drews earned a Masters of

Engineering degree from the University of Applied Sciences in Lubeck, Germany.  

He is also one of the contributors to the book "Innovation in Pricing -

Contemporary Theories and Best Practices" scheduled to be published in November

of this year.

A German national, Mr. Drews will be based at FARO's European headquarters in

Stuttgart, Germany.

About FARO

FARO is the world's most trusted source for 3D measurement technology. The

Company develops and markets computer-aided measurement and imaging devices and

software. Technology from FARO permits high-precision 3D measurement, imaging

and comparison of parts and complex structures within production and quality

assurance processes. The devices are used for inspecting components and

assemblies, production planning, documenting large volume spaces or structures

in 3D, surveying and construction, as well as for investigation and

reconstruction of accident sites or crime scenes.

Worldwide, approximately 15,000 customers are operating more than 30,000

installations of FARO's systems. The Company's global headquarters is located

in Lake Mary, Fla., its European head office in Stuttgart, Germany and its

Asia/Pacific head office in Singapore. FARO has branches in Brazil, Mexico,

Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Turkey,

India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea and Japan.

For more information, visit FARO's Web site at:  www.faro.com .

SOURCE:   FARO Technologies

CONTACT:  Greg Richards - Supervisor

          Public Relations & Events


          +1-407-562-5036 direct

          +1-407-562-5222 fax




