


AsiaNet 51135

共同JBN 1364(2012.10.24)


【ダラス2012年10月24日PRN=共同JBN】極めて好評で世界クラスの知的財産権(IP)およびディストリービューションのトップイノベーターであるSMCOVは24日、フランクリン・コヴィー社(FranklinCovey)元最高執行責任者(COO)のデービッド・コヴィー(David Covey)(http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-mr-covey/39/102/104)とスティーブン・マーディクス(Stephan Mardyks)(http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephan-mardyks/21/3a/673)の両氏が主導する世界的なトーニングネットワークを開始すると発表した。SMCOVは世界中でトレーニングへの革新的アプローチをリリースすることになる。両氏の創造的コンテンツは、個人および組織が今日直面している多くの複雑な問題に適切に対応する








スティーブン・マーディクス氏(http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephan-mardyks/21/3a/673)は、SMCOVの共同創業者で2010年10月に最高経営責任者(CEO)に就任した。マーディクス氏はそれ以前、FranklinCovey Companyの共同COOであり、それ以前はFrontline Groupのグローバル・オペレーション担当上級副社長、Raytheonの副社長、DOOR Training Internationalのマネジングディレクターを歴任した。

デービッド・M・R・コヴィー氏(http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-mr-covey/39/102/104)は、SMCOVの共同創業者で2010年10月以来CEOだった。コヴィー氏はその前はFranklin Covey Companyの共同CEOだった。FranklinCovey在任中のその他職務は、US Sales & Delivery部門のゼネラルマネジャー兼上級副社長、FranklinCovey Internationalの社長、フランクリン・コヴィー、ジャパンの社長、FranklinCovey Australiaのマネジングディレクターなど。


Lee Gordon, 180 Communications




SMCOV: Reinventing & Re-energizing The World Of Global Business Training


DALLAS, Oct. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

             Two Former FranklinCovey COOs Join Forces


    SMCOV, the top innovator of highly sought after world-class Intellectual

Property (IP) and distribution, announced today the launch of a global training

network led by former FranklinCovey COOs David Covey

[http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-mr-covey/39/102/104 ] and Stephan Mardyks

[http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephan-mardyks/21/3a/673 ]. SMCOV is releasing a

revolutionary approach to training throughout the world. Their creative content

adeptly addresses the many complex challenges currently facing both individuals

and organizations today.

    "SMCOV is all about unleashing amazing human capabilities," according to

Covey. Their content "taps into our most natural, innate gifts to give us the

specific skills and capacities to both resolve our problems and lead our lives

with limitless potential."

    SMCOV distributes cutting-edge training programs from some of the most

ground-breaking thought leaders around the globe.

    "Creating the absolute best worldwide network requires a truly global

mindset," Mardyks said. "Our vision is to continue assembling paradigm-shifting

content that responds to the complex workforce challenges of our time. There is

a definitive need to uncomplicate the complicated, and SMCOV DNA is specially

encoded to do just that."

    SMCOV has already aligned itself with an impressive arsenal of Intellectual

Properties (IPs), which will each have special introductions over the coming


    "We are very excited to reveal these fascinating brands to the world and

expect that they will indeed impact millions of lives," Covey said.

    "Most training content has been developed in the last 20-30 years and is

therefore very outdated," said Mardyks. "Today's jobs require a very different

mindset and new complex skills to succeed in the modern marketplace. Our

solutions provide individuals and companies with the best chance to become

relevant and resilient in today's highly turbulent work environment."

    Executive Profiles of SMCOV

    Stephan Mardyks [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stephan-mardyks/21/3a/673 ]

became CEO & Co-Founder of SMCOV in October 2010. Previously, Mardyks was

Co-Chief Operating Officer of the FranklinCovey Company. Prior to

FranklinCovey, Mardyks served as Senior Vice President of Global Operations for

the Frontline Group, Vice President of Raytheon and the Managing Director for

DOOR Training International.

    David M.R. Covey [http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-mr-covey/39/102/104 ]

has been CEO & Co-Founder of SMCOV since October 2010. Covey was previously the

Co-Chief Operating Officer of the FranklinCovey Company. Other positions he

held at FranklinCovey include: General Manager & Senior Vice President, US

Sales & Delivery, President of FranklinCovey International, President of

FranklinCovey Japan and Managing Director of FranklinCovey Australia.


    Lee Gordon, 180 Communications







