◎10月には80万株の自社優先株を取得 Itau Unibanco

イタウ・ウニバンコ・ホールディングスS. A

◎10月には80万株の自社優先株を取得 Itau Unibanco

AsiaNet 51238

共同JBN 1341(2012.11.2)

◎10月には80万株の自社優先株を取得 Itau Unibanco

【サンパウロ11月1日PRN=共同JBN】イタウ・ウニバンコ・ホールディングスS. A( Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. 以下Itau Unibanco)は2004年11月18日、最良のコーポレート・ガバナンス(企業統治)慣行を順守して、「(財務諸表での)自社株売買における業務規則(以下、「規則」)を自主的に公表した。

2、「規則」の第2.1.3では、Itau Unibancoが証券取引所で行なった自社株売買の総株数、価格については最低および最高、平均取引価格を毎月公表することを義務づけている。

3、これに基づいてItau Unibancoは、2012年10月に優先株80万株を取得したことを公表する。平均取得価格は29.11レアル(最高価格は29.57レアル、最低価格は28.61レアル)だった。



               2012 Transaction   Volume          Prices - R$ per Share

               ---- -----------   -------         ---------------------

                                            Minimum   Average       Maximum

                                            -------   -------       -------


   Shares     May    Purchase    3,500,000    26.91     28.30          29.00

---------    ---    --------    ---------    -----     -----          -----

            October                800,000    28.61     29.11          29.57

            -------                -------    -----     -----          -----



過去のデータについては当行の投資家向けサイト (http://www.itau-unibanco.com/ir)を参照のこと。


投資家担当役員 Alfredo Egydio Setubal

株式公開企業  CNPJ. 60.872.504/0001-

  (BM&FBovespa: ITUB4 e ITUB3) (NYSE: ITUB)

▽問い合わせ先: +55-11-2794-3547

ソース:Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.

Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. - Announcement to the Market - Trading of Own Shares for Treasury


SAO PAULO, Nov. 1, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

                           - Month: October 2012

     1. On November 18, 2004, in keeping with the best Corporate Governance

practice, Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. ("Itau Unibanco") voluntarily disclosed

its "Operating Rules for the Trading of Own Shares for Treasury"("Rules").

     2. Item 2.1.3 of the "Rules" established the obligation to make monthly

disclosure of the volumes of own shares traded on stock exchanges by Itau

Unibanco, and minimum, average and maximum prices.

     3. In this context, we wish to inform that during October 2012, Itau

Unibanco acquired 800,000 preferred shares, the average acquisition price for

which was R$ 29.11 (maximum price of R$ 29.57 and minimum of R$ 28.61).

     4. Considering the said acquisition, it should be kept in mind that up to

end of October 2012, we had already acquired 4,300,000 preferred shares at the

average price of R$ 28.45 as shown in the following table.


               2012 Transaction   Volume          Prices - R$ per Share

               ---- -----------   -------         ---------------------

                                            Minimum   Average       Maximum

                                            -------   -------       -------


   Shares     May    Purchase    3,500,000    26.91     28.30          29.00

---------    ---    --------    ---------    -----     -----          -----

            October                800,000    28.61     29.11          29.57

            -------                -------    -----     -----          -----

     We would point out that these acquisitions relate to the share buy-back

program, effective until November 5, 2012, approved by the Board of Directors,

authorizing the acquisition of up to 9 million of common shares and 56.7

million in preferred shares.

     5. We would also inform that as from November 5, 2012 a new share buy-back

program will begin and terminate on November 4, 2013, the limit for which shall

be increased to 100 million shares, being 13.7 million common shares and 86.3

million preferred shares.

     We would remind readers that historical data is available in the

organization's Investor Relations site (http://www.itau-unibanco.com/ir)

     Sao Paulo - SP, November 1st, 2012.

     Alfredo Egydio Setubal

     Investor Relations Officer

     A Publicly Listed Company

     CNPJ. 60.872.504/0001-23

     (BM&FBovespa: ITUB4 e ITUB3) (NYSE: ITUB)

     CONTACT: +55-11-2794-3547

      SOURCE: Itau Unibanco Holding S.A.




