◎錦江国際酒店管理有限公司が2年連続でGBTAと提携 第2回中国会議を開催


◎錦江国際酒店管理有限公司が2年連続でGBTAと提携 第2回中国会議を開催

AsiaNet 56169

共同JBN 0302  (2014.3.19)

【上海2014年3月14日PRN=共同JBN】錦江国際酒店管理有限公司(Jin Jiang International Hotels)が再び世界大手ビジネス旅行・会合組織、グローバルビジネストラベル協会(Global Business Travel Association=GBTA)と提携、3月31日から4月2日まで上海で第2回GBTAアジア中国地区会議を開催する。

錦江国際酒店管理有限公司は会場のスポンサーになり、上海中心部の旧フランス租界にある歴史的な旗艦ホテル、錦江飯店(Jin Jiang Hotel)で3月31日に歓迎レセプションを主催する。かつて中華人民共和国の公式迎賓館として使われたこの長く豊かな歴史に染められたホテルは、米中共同コミュニケ(上海コミュニケ)調印など中国現代史の主要政治イベントの多くを目撃してきた。




2014 GBTA China Conference に関する詳しい情報は以下参照。


▽錦江国際酒店管理有限公司(Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd.)について

中国最大の高級ホテル経営企業である錦江国際酒店管理有限公司は国内77都市に代表的高級ホテル123棟、計3万5 000室を抱えている。同社は錦江ブランドコンセプトの下で、名高いヘリテージコレクションを含む5つ星ホテルと四つ星の錦江ホテルからなる新高級「J」ホテルブランドを立ち上げた。

同社は中国最大のホテル経営グループ、錦江国際集団(Jin Jiang Hotels Group)の一翼で、Jin Jiang InnとInterstate Hotels and Resortsは姉妹会社である。グループは全体として、中国全土の31省、自治区、直轄市の230以上の市や町に1460以上の代表的ホテルやインを保有、経営している。客室総計は22万3000を超え、世界の大規模ホテル企業9位にランクされている。



▽Global Business Travel Associationについて

Global Business Travel Associationに関する詳しい情報は以下参照。


ソース:Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company

Jin Jiang International Hotels to Partner with GBTA for its Second Annual China Conference


SHANGHAI, Mar. 14, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Jin Jiang International Hotels will once again partner with Global Business

Travel Association (GBTA), the world's premier business travel and corporate

meetings organization, for GBTA Asia's second annual regional China Conference

to be held from 31 March-2 April in Shanghai.

Jin Jiang International Hotels will be sponsoring the conference venue and

hosting a Welcome Reception on 31 March at its historic flagship heritage

hotel, Jin Jiang Hotel, located in the Former French Concession in downtown

Shanghai. Steeped in a long, rich history, the hotel was the official state

guest house of the People's Republic of China, having had witnessed many great

political events in modern Chinese history, including the initial signing of

the Sino-U.S. joint communique.

"Following the success of the first conference in China last year, we are

honored to have the opportunity to once again partner with this esteemed

organization for this business travel industry event and to host the whole

conference at our iconic Jin Jiang Hotel," stated Simon Zhang, Chief Executive

Officer, Jin Jiang International Hotels. "China continues to see a fast and

positive growth in the travel and hospitality industry, and is predicted to

become the world's leading business travel market within the next few years.

GBTA is an organization that can play a pivotal role as a key educator and

influencer on offering the best practices in enhancing travel management

standards across China."

The GBTA China Conference will gather together key travel industry experts,

corporate travel managers and  high level executives from a number of leading

local and global corporate companies from all over the world. It will serve to

be an informative event and an ideal platform and opportunity for local and

overseas participants to learn more about the thriving business travel market

in China from experienced and widely respected executive experts from the

corporate travel management and MICE industries in Asia.

Welf Ebeling, GBTA Vice President APAC, commenting on the event stated, "GBTA

is proud to have Jin Jiang Hotels as venue partner for the GBTA China

Conference for the second consecutive year. We are grateful for their support,

not just for the conference, but also for being an important ally in

establishing the GBTA China Chapter."

For more information about the 2014 GBTA China Conference, please visit:


About Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd.

Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd. (Jin Jiang International

Hotels), the largest star rated hotel management company in China, has a

portfolio of over 123 distinctive star rated hotels with a room inventory of

over 35, 000 hotel rooms spread across 77 cities in China. Under the Jin Jiang

branding concept, the company has a new premium "J" hotel brand, five star

properties which include the renowned heritage collection and their four star

Jin Jiang properties.

The company is part of Jin Jiang Hotels Group, the leading and largest hotel

management group in China, and together with their sister company Jin Jiang Inn

and Interstate Hotels and Resorts. Overall, the group owns and operates a

collection of over 1,460 distinctive hotels and inns in more than 230 cities

and towns within 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across

China with a total room inventory in excess of 223,000 and is ranked as the 9th

largest hotel company globally.

For more information or reservations, please visit:


About the Global Business Travel Association

For more information about the Global Business Travel Association, please visit


SOURCE  Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company




