CROOZ Releases Side-scrolling Action Game Balloon Kingdom for iOS Devices in 155 Countries,


TOKYO, June 3 /Kyodo JBN / --

Source: CROOZ, Inc.

CROOZ Releases Side-scrolling Action Game Balloon Kingdom for iOS Devices in 155 Countries, Including JAPAN

CROOZ, Inc. (headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Koji Obuchi) has released BALLOON KINGDOM for iOS devices in 155 countries worldwide, including Japan. CROOZ hopes this game will attract a wide variety of players from around the world. BALLOON KINGDOM will be a marketing tool, providing CROOZ with information about player trends and attitudes that will come into play in future releases and promotional strategies.

BALLOON KINGDOM is a side-scrolling action game for iOS devices where balloon-shaped characters chase through rich unique worlds. By tapping with precise timing, players can change their character's position to avoid enemies, walls and other moving obstacles to clear each level. Its simple and intuitive gameplay allows players young and old from all over the world to have fun at any time. By linking the game with Facebook, players can also compete with friends to complete levels and collect items.

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CROOZ is an entertainment company. We deliver online content on a global scale, with a focus on social network games and online shopping.

Our sales make us a leading domestic provider of social applications, and we are expanding across the globe, with offices in San Francisco, Singapore, South Korea, Berlin, London and Paris. Our offerings include our first worldwide mobile app, ACR DRIFT, which we released in 135 countries and regions, and social network games such as The Knights of Avalon, Ragnabreak and HUNTER x HUNTER Battle Collection - which always rank at the top of games on Mobage, a large Japanese social gaming platform.

We also run an online shopping site, " by CROOZ," where customers can buy fast fashion clothing - the latest catwalk trends at affordable prices - for women, men and children.

Henceforth CROOZ will continue to focus on developing native app games tailored to release on the App Store and Google Play. CROOZ will also look to expand its share of the domestic browser game market. Furthermore, CROOZ will focus on developing new businesses, along with acquisitions and capital alliances, as it accelerates business development and secures new sources of revenue.

Please watch this space for further developments from CROOZ.

Source: CROOZ, Inc.






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