Waseda to host 35 young US researchers on Foreign Ministry program

WASEDA University

On October 15, Waseda University will host a group of 35 young academics and think-tank researchers as part of the Foreign Ministry's KAKEHASHI - Friendship Ties program.


Waseda University Public Relations

Waseda to host 35 young US researchers on Foreign Ministry program

On October 15, Waseda University will host a group of 35 young academics and think-tank researchers as part of the Foreign Ministry's KAKEHASHI - Friendship Ties program.

KAKEHASHI is an ongoing effort to increase binational exchange between the United States and Japan, and to create opportunities for people to learn first-hand about their counterpart country.

Waseda will provide opportunities to consider and discuss two topics, Economy, Environment and Energy, and National Security, led by Waseda professors Masahiko GEMMA and Shuhei KURIZAKI, respectively.

The visitors include specialists from the US National Economist Club, the Congressional Research Service, and the Heritage Foundation.

This visit is organized in cooperation with the US-Japan Research Institute (USJI), in Washington, DC.

Founded in 1882, Waseda is a leading private, non-profit research university based in central Tokyo, with over 50,000 students in 13 undergraduate and 21 graduate schools.

Waseda leads Japan in international activities, including incoming and outgoing study abroad students, with full English-language curricula in six undergraduate and thirteen graduate degree programs, and partnerships with over 700 top global institutions.

Date/Time: Oct 15, 12:00-18:00

Place: Okuma Memorial Tower (Building 26), Room 302

          Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Language: English


12:00-12:30 - Campus Tour

13:30-15:00 - Session 1 "Economy, Environment and Energy"

   Lecture and discussion by Waseda Masahiko GEMMA, Professor, Waseda University

15:30-17:00 - Session 2 "National Security"

   Lecture and discussion by Shuhei KURIZAKI, Associate Professor, Waseda University

17:10-18:00 - Session 3 "Japan's Foreign Policy"

   Lecture and discussion by Hideki YAMAJI, Senior Coordinator, MOFA

Program Organizer: Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE)

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