Idemitsu Credit to Launch Financial Services for Agricultural Sector in Cambodia

Idemitsu Kosan

TOKYO, Jan. 29, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.

Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) Plc.

Idemitsu Credit to Launch Financial Services for Agricultural Sector in Cambodia

Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd. has established Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) Plc., a local subsidiary in Battambang, Cambodia, to launch financing services and installment payment services for commodity transactions mainly for  agricultural sector.

The Cambodian government is modernizing agriculture, one of the country's key industries, and trying to improve the living standards of farming households as its priority policy measures. Under its rice policy unveiled in 2010, the Cambodian government set a goal of doubling the country's rice production and increasing its rice exports tenfold in five years. It is now implementing specific measures to achieve the goal.

Based on this policy, domestic companies and nongovernmental organizations are carrying out and expanding contract farming and agricultural advice, accelerating growth in the agricultural sector.

Under these circumstances, Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd. has established Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) Plc., a local subsidiary, to meet Cambodian farmers' financial needs and contribute toward improved standards of living and economic development of the country. Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) obtained a license of microfinance business from the National Bank of Cambodia on January 20.

Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) will engage in financing and individual installment payment operations to meet a wide variety of needs for funding mainly in the agricultural sector.

Reference information A

Overview of Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) Plc.

(1) Name of the company: Idemitsu Saison Microfinance (Cambodia) Plc.

(2) Location: Battambang City, the Kingdom of Cambodia

No. S04, National Road 5, Prekmohatep Village, Sangkat Svaypor, Battambang City, Battambang Province, Cambodia

(3) Representatives:

Director & Chairperson: Kaoru Hashimoto (Representative Director & President, Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.)

Director & Vice-Chairperson: Hideo Suzuki (Representative Director & Vice- President Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.)

Director & Managing Director: Koichi Watanabe (Executive Officer, Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.)

(4) Establishment: August 20, 2015 (Operations to begin in January 2016.)

(5) Capital: 1 million U.S. dollars (capitalized 100 percent by Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.)

(6) Business description:

1. Financing

2. Installment sales

Reference information B

Overview of Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.

(1) Name of the company: Idemitsu Credit Co., Ltd.

(2) Location: 18th Floor, Ryogoku City Core, 2-10-14, Ryogoku, Sumida-Ku, Tokyo

(3) Representatives: Kaoru Hashimoto, Representative Director & President

(4) Establishment: April 1, 1986

(5) Capital: 1,950 million yen (capitalized evenly by Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd. and Credit Saison Co., Ltd.)

(6) Business performance: Transaction volume: 1 trillion  166.7 billion yen (2014 fiscal year)

(7) Business description:

1. Credit card services

2. Financing services

3. Settlement agency services

4. Prepaid card services

5. Leasing services

6. Guarantee services







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