Chiba Prefecture to Promote Brand Sweet Potato in Malaysia in 2016

CHIBA, Japan, Feb. 16, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ -

Distribution and Marketing Division,

Chiba Prefectural Government

Chiba Prefecture to Promote Brand Sweet Potato in Malaysia in 2016

Chiba Prefecture, situated right next to the Japanese capital of Tokyo, is rich in natural resources. It is home to Narita International Airport and Tokyo Disneyland foreign visitors to Japan are very familiar with.

The prefecture, which is in such an excellent location, will hold "Enjoy Chiba Sweet Potato," an event in which delicious sweet potatoes will be introduced and sold to consumers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, later in February this year. Chiba Prefecture is a major production area of sweet potatoes. "Beniharuka," a sweet potato breed that is particularly popular in Japan because it is sweet and moist, will be baked and sold to visitors during the event. Moreover, the best ways to enjoy the taste of sweet potatoes will be introduced and a variety of goods featuring "CHI-BA+KUN," Chiba Prefecture's mascot character, will also be on sale at the event site.

1. Name of the event: Enjoy Chiba Sweet Potato

2. Period: Saturday, February 20-Sunday, February 21, 2016

3. Place: Event space within Bangsar Village 1 shopping mall

    Address: 1, Jalan Telawi 1, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur

4. Details

- An opening ceremony will be held from 2 p.m. on February 20.

- Baked sweet potatoes will be given away for tasting, and sold to visitors.

- Foods made by processing sweet potatoes and recipes of sweet potatoes will be introduced.

- A panel for snapshots will be installed.

- A trivia game on sweet potatoes and a survey on consumers will be conducted.

- Promotional materials on Chiba sweet potatoes will be displayed and distributed.

- A video on Chiba sweet potatoes, produced by a local video creator, will be shown.

- Relevant information will be dispatched by local bloggers, etc.






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