MY FARM, Venture Company Aiming to Transform Japan's Farming Culture, Unveils "Vegeloop," ...


TOKYO,Mar. 2, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --


MY FARM, Venture Company Aiming to Transform

Japan's Farming Culture, Unveils "Vegeloop,"

Groundbreaking Cultivation Kit That Can Grow

Discarded Vegetables into New Vegetables

- Developed in Partnership with Panasonic as Product to Save Farmers by Allowing Consumers to Experience "Growing Discarded Vegetables" to Raise Awareness about Scrapping Food -

MY FARM, Inc. has started offering "Vegeloop," a cultivation kit capable of reviving discarded vegetables that have become unmarketable due to damage from abnormal weather into new vegetables. Abnormal weather has been on the increase every year, beginning to cause adverse effects to vegetable production sites at a gradual pace -- but not in a way that immediately alerts contemporary people living in urban areas to the gravity of the issue. Vegeloop has been developed with the aim of bringing this issue home.



Vegeloop Concept Movie:

Vegeloop Official Website:

Vegeloop has been created by recycling discarded vegetables, which would have been otherwise thrown away, drawing on Panasonic Corp.'s garbage-processing technology. Wrapped in a crinkled piece of paper, each Vegeloop kit contains compost of discarded vegetables of one species as well as a seed of the same kind of vegetable. By cultivating Vegeloop, you can revive the life of vegetables that have been damaged by abnormal weather. The cultivation kit is packed in special water-soluble paper printed in soy ink, which is harmless to nature, and is modeled after the original form of the vegetable it contains. By planting the whole of such a kit into the ground and watering it, you can enjoy vegetable cultivation at home in an easy and earth-friendly manner.

Vegeloop kits are supplied to vegetable stores and markets at various locations as "vegetables," and the proceeds are due to be recycled to the farmers as donations. In this way, Vegeloop cultivation does not only change the awareness of people who experience it but also subsequently support farmers who aim for sustainable production of vegetables.

Press kit URL:

(Image: How Vegeloop is made

(Photo3: Product lineup

(Photo4: How to use

(Photo5: Recycle process


MY FARM, Inc. is a company attracting attention across Japan as a "unique venture that is spreading the joy of agriculture." Since its founding in 2007, MY FARM has been striving to create a society based on "self-production for self-consumption," i.e. a society in which each individual can think about coexistence between the Earth's environment and the human society by coping with nature through the entire process of cultivating, harvesting and eating vegetables. The company has been embarking on projects to resolve agricultural issues facing Japan, where the term "mottainai" (*) originated, re-cultivate abandoned farmland and produce future leaders in agriculture.

(*) Mottainai: an originally Buddhist Japanese term that is used to suggest that resources should not be wasted but be used with a sense of gratitude.

To learn more about MY FARM:

About Panasonic

Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, enterprise solutions and device industries. Since its founding in 1918, the company has expanded globally and now operates 474 subsidiaries and 94 associated companies worldwide. Committed to pursuing new value through innovation across divisional lines, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for its customers.

To learn more about Panasonic:



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  • 名称 株式会社マイファーム
  • 所在地 京都府
  • 業種 水産・農林業
  • URL
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