CAMPUS Asia 2018 Summer Intensive Program in Tokyo and Hiroshima

WASEDA University

On Aug 11, students from Waseda, Peking and Korea University participating in the 2018 Summer Intensive Program organized by CAMPUS Asia will be giving presentations on the final product of their group work, which is a page of a fictitious joint history textbook describing the month of August 1945.

July 19, 2018

Waseda University

History of August 1945 reconstructed by students from Waseda, Peking and Korea University

CAMPUS Asia 2018 Summer Intensive Program in Tokyo and Hiroshima

On August 11, students from Waseda, Peking and Korea University participating in the 2018 Summer Intensive Program, organized by CAMPUS Asia, will be giving group presentations on the final product of their group work, which is a page of a fictitious joint history textbook describing the month of August 1945.

Differences in history recognition have long caused conflicts in East Asia. The eight-day summer program serves as an opportunity for participating students to think and discuss about the past, present and future of East Asia through various interactive and participatory activities, such as facilitated discussions, group work and field trips in Hiroshima, Kure and Tokyo. It also seeks to understand how a history can be constructed, deconstructed and re-constructed. Before the day of group presentations, students will also have visited sites such as the Itsukushima Shrine, the Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, as well as spoken to atomic bomb survivors.

We invite all interested journalists and media representatives to attend the presentations.

About CAMPUS Asia

CAMPUS Asia is a groundbreaking program established between three of the leading schools in East Asia (Waseda University, Peking University and Korea University) to cultivate awareness, passion and practical skills related to conflict resolution and social innovation in the next generation of global leaders.

Event information

Event title: Possibility of Common Understanding on East Asian History

Date & Time: August 11, 2018 (Sat) 9:00am – 12:00pm

*Journalists and media representatives are invited to ask questions, etc. after 13:00pm

Venue: Waseda Global Gate Seminar Room, 1F Building No. 22, Waseda Campus

Language: English

Open to Waseda University students, faculty and staff, and general public

Organized by Waseda University, co-sponsored by Peking and Korea University

Event schedule

- Opening Speech by Professor Yuji Uesugi, Faculty of International Research and Education

- Group presentations by participating students from Waseda, Peking and Korea University

- Q&A session

- Closing speech by Professor Naoyuki Umemori, Faculty of Political Science and Economics

Contact information

CAMPUS Asia Office, Faculty of Political Science and Economics

Tel: 03-3207-5617







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