Cornell SC Johnson College of BusinessとCEMS Global Alliance in Management Educationが提携を発表


Cornell SC Johnson College of BusinessとCEMS Global Alliance in Management Educationが提携を発表

AsiaNet 76615 (2259)

【パリ2018年12月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Cornell SC Johnson College of Businessは米国のビジネススクールとして初めてCEMS、Global Alliance in Management Educationの一員となる。


2020年8月に開始予定で、Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and ManagementでApplied Economics and Management(応用経済・経営学)の Master of Professional Studies(MPS,


教育機関メンバー32校( )(代表的なビジネススクール)、法人メンバー69社( )(多国籍企業)、社会的メンバー7団体(NGO)で成る世界的な連合によって開講される1年間にわたる実務経験不要の大学院プログラムを修了すると、CEMSから国際経営学修士号(Master's in International Management)修了証書を授与される。


SC Johnson College of Businessのジョー・トマス学部長代行は「CEMS国際経営学修士号(MIM)の開始に際し米国で初のビジネススクールとしてCEMSと提携できて、われわれは非常に嬉しく思う」と述べた。

Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Managementのリン・ウートン学部長は「CEMS MIMがコーネル大学で学ぶ学生にとって差別化要因となり、世界中でキャリア促進、徹底的な学習、キャリアの機会を可能にすることを信じている」と述べた。

CEMSのローランド・シーガーズ専務理事は「Cornell SC Johnson College of Businessは明らかに米国ビジネス教育市場における経営学修士区分の成長の可能性に着目しており、この連合は重要な前進だ。卒業生はキャリア早期において影響を与えることを望んでおり、そのような学位に対する需要が米国内で伸びるものと思われる」と語った。



コーネル大学の学生は同大学からApplied Economics and ManagementにおけるMPSを、CEMSからCEMS MIMを取得する。

SC Johnson College of Businessのロフィット・ヴェルマ対外関係学部長は「CEMSの他にはないようなネットワークがCEMSの著名な法人メンバーや、教室での学習、インターンシップ、キャリアマネジメントに協力する1万3000人を超える同窓生との積極的な関わりをコーネル大学の学生に提供するだろう」と述べた。

詳しい情報は を参照。


The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business and the CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education Announce Collaboration


PARIS, December 12, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business will be the first US business

school to join CEMS - the Global Alliance in Management Education.

         (Logo: )

    Beginning in August 2020, Cornell students who enrol in the Master of

Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Economics and Management in the Charles

H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management may elect to pursue a

designation in International Management from CEMS.

    CEMS confers a Master's in International Management certificate upon

completion of a one-year, postgraduate, pre-experience program delivered by a

global alliance of 32 academic

[ ] members (leading business

schools), 69 corporate [ ] members

(multinational companies) and 7 social members (NGOs).  

    Graduates will join alumni of 85 nationalities, working in 75+ countries.

    "We are very pleased to collaborate with CEMS as the first business school

in the United States on the launch of the CEMS Master's in International

Management (MIM)," said

Joe Thomas, Interim Dean of the SC Johnson College of Business.

    "We believe the CEMS MIM will be a differentiator for students studying at

Cornell and allow for career acceleration, deep learning and career

opportunities across the globe," said Lynn Wooten, Dean of the Charles H. Dyson

School of Applied Economics and Management.

    Roland Siegers, Executive Director of CEMS, said: "This alliance is a

significant step forward, as the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business clearly

sees growth potential in the Master's in Management segment of the US business

education market. We believe that the demand for such degrees will rise within

the US, as graduates desire to make an impact early in their careers."

    Students study the CEMS curriculum for one term at their home university

and in a different member school for the second term. In addition to a home

degree, students complete a business consulting project and internship with

CEMS corporate members.

    Cornell will bring on board two corporate members (global multinational

companies) that will partner with CEMS.

    Cornell students will earn the MPS in Applied Economics and Management from

Cornell and the CEMS MIM from CEMS.

     "CEMS' exclusive network will provide Cornell students active engagement

with CEMS' prominent corporate members and over 13,000 alumni who collaborate

in classroom learning, internships and career management," said Rohit Verma,

Dean of External Relations, SC Johnson College of Business.

    For more information contact  





