
The Information Office of Dongguan Municipality


AsiaNet 78076 (0519)



広東・香港・マカオ大湾岸圏の開発が進む中、製造で名高い広東省の都市・東莞はどのように前進するのだろうか?ドキュメンタリーシリーズ「The Manufacturing Era(製造の時代)」は最近、中国でヒットしており、世界に向けて東莞の製造業の現状と変革への取り組みを紹介している。

「東莞の製造」を一例とするこのドキュメンタリーにより、「メード・イン・チャイナ」への世界的関心が再び高まっている。3月28日、Information Office of Dongguan Municipalityが開催し、同ドキュメンタリーで放送された会議で専門家は、イノベーションで活気づく技術者のプールと開かれた経済の起業精神により、東莞の先端製造は世界的にさらなる競争力を持ったと語った。



第2回目のエピソードはイノベーションと起業を促進する多数の野心的な東莞のビジネスマンを紹介する。中国商務部国際貿易経済合作研究院のInternational Market Institute副ディレクター、バイ・ミン氏は会議で、それは東莞が市場プレーヤーを活気づけるために、グローバルビジネス向けに健全な環境を構築していることと軌を一にするものであると述べた。公式データによると、2018年末には115万以上の市場で活動する事業体が東莞に本拠を置き、同年だけで102件の外資によるプロジェクトを引き付けた。それぞれのプロジェクトは1000万米ドル超に相当し、総契約価値は最大で36億5000万ドルである。


ドキュメンタリーシリーズで見られるように、ますます多くの東莞の企業はグローバリゼーションを受け入れており、多くが海外で工場を設立している。東莞に本拠を置くセラミックス・メーカーのMarco Polo Groupは米国テネシー州に工場を設立し、テクノロジー企業のVivoはインドネシアのジャカルタとインドのデリーに工場を建てた。東莞の時計メーカーDailywinは現在、スイスに工場を保有している。

Marco Polo Groupの代表者は、東莞の企業は常に効率性、品質、コストを重視しているため、海外に進出して競争に勝つことができるとし、さらに先端機器では、彼らは最高品質の製品を作れると付け加えた。



ソース:The Information Office of Dongguan Municipality

A documentary hit reveals how Dongguan will lead in advanced manufacturing


DONGGUAN, China, Mar. 29, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

How will Dongguan, a city well-known for manufacturing in Guangdong province,

march forward as the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay

Area continues? A documentary series "The Manufacturing Era" has been a recent

hit in China, showing the world the status quo of the city's manufacturing

industry and its efforts for transformation.

Taking "Dongguan manufacturing" as an example, the documentary once again

attracts global attention to "Made in China". A pool of technicians with vitality in

innovation and entrepreneurship in an open economy enabled the city's advanced

manufacturing to be more globally competitive, said experts at a meeting on the film

held by the Information Office of Dongguan Municipality on March 28.

The first episode introduces how companies, workers and technicians in Dongguan

learn to operate robots, improve techniques for efficient production and carve

out competitive products. It tells the city is seeking a change amid the trend

of industrial transformation and upgrading. The fundamental elements for

advanced manufacturing include precision, scale and efficiency, together with

competent technical personnel that require long-term training. Experts viewed

that a pool of technicians would give Dongguan more comparative advantages when

building a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.

By 2020, Dongguan will foster 10,000 international skilled talents, introduce

another 10,000 personnel with craftsmanship in urgent need, and promote one

million people to enhance academic achievement and skills.

The second episode introduces a host of ambitious Dongguan businessmen

promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. It echoes the fact that Dongguan is

creating a sound environment for global business to energize market players,

noted Bai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Institute at the

Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation at the meeting.

Official data shows that Dongguan was home to over 1.15 million market entities

by the end of 2018, and attracted 102 foreign-funded projects worth over USD 10

million for each in 2018 alone, with the total contract value up to USD 3.65 billion.

Meanwhile, experts pointed out that with the development of the Greater Bay

Area, Dongguan would become more capable of having its innovation outcomes

commercialized, which is of great importance to energize the market. Liang

Weidong, Secretary of the CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee, said in a recent

interview that going ahead, an improved industrial network will allow Dongguan

to contribute to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology

Innovation Corridor and strengthen its capabilities of research, development

and commercialization of R&D outcomes. Beyond increased cooperation with the

core cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao, Dongguan will

further bring together major scientific and technological infrastructure,

research institutes, and innovative firms and talents. That's how it can

vitalize all innovative players and grow into China's demonstration zone for

transferring and commercializing innovations.

As the series show, an increasing number of Dongguan firms are embracing globalization,

with many setting up factories overseas. The Dongguan-based ceramics manufacturer

Marco Polo Group has established a factory in Tennessee of US. Vivo, a technology company,

has founded its plants in Jakarta, Indonesia and Delhi, India. The Dongguan watch maker

Dailywin now owns a factory in Switzerland.

Dongguan companies always give priorities to efficiency, quality and cost, so

they can outweigh counterparts in going global, said the representative from

the Marco Polo Group, adding that with advanced equipment, they can produce top

quality products.

According to Liang Weihao, president of Dailywin, there are about 1.1 billion

watches made worldwide every year. Among them, 70 million are from Switzerland,

yet 90% of the parts are manufactured in China. The shared aspiration for

better quality and manufacturing strength has bridged the two countries to

cooperate closely and open a wider global market.

Experts believed the continuous development of the Greater Bay Area has enabled

Dongguan companies to expand their business overseas at a faster pace. The city

should further cooperate with Hong Kong and Macao in essential fields like investment

and trade, industrial transformation and market development, to jointly promote

the Belt and Road Initiative and pursue all-round opening up as a showcase.

Source: The Information Office of Dongguan Municipality




