
アトナープ株式会社(Atonarp Inc.)


AsiaNet 80167

- 本資金調達はJPインベストメント株式会社、SBIインベストメント株式会社など新たな株主5社を含む

- シリーズCの調達額は、革新的なヘルスケア診断用プラットフォームの早期開発に寄せられた投資家の期待から当初の目標額を上回った

- 投資資金は主としてアトナープの2020年以降の製品化にだけでなく、同社の技術基盤の構築・強化に資するものとなる

東京, 2019年8月26日 /PRNewswire/ -- 分子レベルのハイテク診断を提供するアトナープ株式会社は、当初目標を上回る33百万ドル相当のシリーズC資金を調達したことを発表しました。この投資は、JPインベストメント株式会社、SBIインベストメント株式会社、米Northwestern Mutual Future Venturesなどの新株主を得たのに加え、株式会社INCJ、イノベーティブベンチャーファンド投資組合、大手医療機器メーカなどの既存株主からとなっています。

写真 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/964547/Smart_Pass_Spectrometer.jpg

ロゴ - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/597038/Atonarp_CMYK_Logo.jpg


「当社は、測定結果までに長い時間、痛み、コストを伴う、従来の医療診断モデルを破壊するという目標に向けて、鋭意開発を進めております。」と、アトナープ株式会社の最高経営責任者であるPrakash Murthy氏は述べています。「最近のめざましい技術開発の進捗によって、2020年に成果を出す製品開発ロードマップ実現に好位置にあります。一般消費者と医療従事者の両者に革新的な医療体験をもたらすはずですし、それが競争力のある価格で提供できればことさらです。その実現のため、長期的視点を持った投資家の皆様に参加頂ける事は無上の喜びです。当社はこの明るい未来の実現に向けて邁進してまいります。」


イノベーティブベンチャーファンド投資組合のパートナーであるNECキャピタルソリューション株式会社の川上雄一氏は、「アトナープの差別化された質量分析プラットフォームは、製薬および半導体セクターの複雑な生産プロセスの長年の課題を解決します。 ヘルスケア分野では、アトナープは、高品質で統合された手頃な価格でのラボ型診断を一般の人々に提供する開発が進んでいます。 アトナープの次の段階へ向けた飛躍をサポートできることを嬉しく思います。」と語っています。

本ラウンドのリードインベスターである、株式会社INCJの代表取締役社長 勝又幹英氏は次の様に述べています。アトナープのヘルスケア診断の領域への参入は、医療研究試験業界における従来の常識を覆すような可能性を秘めています。今回の資金調達によってアトナープは、医療診断への変革工学的なアプローチを可能とし、リアルタイムの実用データを活用したヘルスケアビジネスを通じて、患者の医療体験に大きな変革をもたらすでしょう。」


アトナープ株式会社は、分子レベルのハイテク診断を提供する企業です。専門分野でのパートナーを通じ、センシングと診断を行うデバイスのあり方を変革し、リアルタイムの実用的なデータによる、インダストリ領域のプロセス管理とヘルスケア診断の劇的な改善を目指しています。同社に関して詳しくは、 www.atonarp.com.


Katsuhiko Nakazawa, Atonarp Inc.

Tokyo Office: 03 6435 6234

Tokyo Mobile: 080 4124 8333 (Japan)



Atonarp Inc. Announces $33 Million Series C Funding Round Completion


TOKYO, Aug. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

- Financing round brings five new investors to Atonarp, including Japan Post

  Investment Corporation and SBI Investment Co., Ltd.

- Series C was oversubscribed as investor demand was driven by the company's

  accelerating development progress of disruptive healthcare diagnostics


- Funding will be used primarily to support Atonarp's product prototyping and

  commercialization in 2020 and beyond, as well as build on and reinforce the

  company's technology platforms.

Atonarp, a hi-tech molecular diagnostics company, today announced that it has

raised $33 million in an oversubscribed Series C funding round. This financing

round has attracted five new investors including Japan Post Investment

Corporation, SBI Investment Co., Ltd, and Northwestern Mutual Future Ventures

as well as current investors, INCJ, Ltd, Innovative Venture Fund Investment

Limited Partnership, and a major medical equipment manufacturing company.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/964547/Smart_Pass_Spectrometer.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/597038/Atonarp_CMYK_Logo.jpg

Since early 2014, Atonarp has raised more than $61 million in three rounds of

equity financing in pursuit of its vision of ushering in the next generation of

process monitoring and healthcare diagnostics through its innovative AI-based

platforms of mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy. The latter is geared

to deliver pain-free point-of-care blood testing with lab-quality accuracy but

with real-time actionable data. These unparalleled advantages are also expected

to bring about cost savings to patients and healthcare providers. The Series C

funding will grow the company's balance sheet and support ongoing product

prototyping and commercialization into the healthcare market.

"Atonarp has continued to execute at a fast pace towards our goal of disrupting

the old healthcare diagnostics model that is time-consuming, painful and

costly," said Prakash Murthy, Chief Executive Officer of Atonarp. "With our

recent innovative engineering progress, we are well-positioned to meet our

product roadmap deliverables in 2020. Both the general population and

healthcare providers are ready for this revolutionized healthcare experience -

especially when it is priced competitively. We are honored to welcome these

long-term investors to the Atonarp community as we look forward to what's ahead

for the company in terms of line of products and services that we are

feverishly executing on."

"As a growth investment fund, SBI Investment is looking for opportunities to

invest in fast growing sector leaders whose potential to use technology will

enhance the customer experience of large populations," said Yusuke Matsumoto,

Deputy General Manager, Investment Department of SBI Investment. "Not only has

Atonarp proved this is possible with its innovative technology platform, but

the artificial intelligence in tandem with the data analytics model that they

are building has the potential to produce personalized health portfolios for

millions of people and disrupt medicine - and healthcare - as we have come to

know and accept it."

Yuichi Kawakami, Partner of Innovative Venture Fund, NEC Capital Solutions Ltd,

said, "Atonarp differentiated mass spectrometry platform is solving

long-standing issues in the intricate production processes of the

pharmaceutical and semiconductor sectors.  In healthcare sector, Atonarp is

poised to deliver high quality, integrated and affordable lab-type diagnostics

to the population at large. We are excited to support Atonarp through this next

phase of the company's growth."

Mikihide Katsumata, President and COO of INCJ, Ltd. who led this financing

round as a repeat investor, said that "Atonarp is the healthcare diagnostics

entrant with the best chance of disrupting the conventional status quo of the

medical lab testing industry. This financing round positions Atonarp well to

capitalize on its transformational engineering approach to medical diagnostics

in order to revolutionize patient experience through a smart personalized

healthcare business model empowered by real-time actionable data."

About Atonarp

Atonarp is a Molecular Diagnostics company. Through its partners in the tech

world, Atonarp is reshaping how sensing and diagnostics devices are applied to

generate real-time actionable data and achieve drastically better outcomes in

industrial processes and healthcare. Learn more at www.atonarp.com.


Katsuhiko Nakazawa, Atonarp Inc.

Tokyo Office: +81-3-6435-6234

Tokyo Mobile: +81-80-4124-8333 (Japan)


SOURCE: Atonarp Inc.





