AsiaNet 80687
テルアビブ(イスラエル)、2019年9月24日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
自動運転車の測定可能な安全性を可能にするとの使命を担い、イスラエルに拠点を置くスタートアップ、フォーテリックス(Foretellix:https://www.foretellix.com/ )は本日、測定可能シナリオ記述言語(M-SDL:Measurable Scenario Description Language )をADASとAVエコシステムで利用できるようにし、言語概念を自動化システムと測定システムの国際標準化団体(Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems)の標準委員会に提供したことを発表しました。M-SDLは、オープン言語で初めて車両安全性の実証および検証に使用される今日のフォーマット、言語、メソッド、評価基準では不十分な様々な点に対処します。
フォーテリックスはまた、M-SDLに関する業界フィードバックと改良のメカニズムを提供するM-SDLパートナーズ・プログラム(M-SDL Partners Program)を発表しました。AVLリスト(AVL List GmbH)、ボルボ・グループ(Volvo Group)、ユニティ・テクノロジーズ(Unity Technologies)、ホリバ・ミラ(Horiba Mira Ltd)、テュフズード(TÜV SÜD)、オートモーティブ・アーティフィシャル・インテリジェンス(AAI:Automotive Artificial Intelligence)、メタモト(Metamoto Inc)、ベクター・ゼロ(Vector Zero Inc)、ブリストル大学トラストワージー・システム研究室(Trustworthy Systems Lab of Bristol University)、フロリダ・ポリテクニック大学先進モビリティー研究所(Advanced Mobility Institute of Florida Polytechnic University)他が会員となっています。
フォーテリックスCEOのZiv Binyaminiは、次のように語ります。「標準がないこと、再使用や共有を妨げるメソッドや評価基準などのため、測定可能な安全性を実現する能力は未だ限られており、また拡張できません。当社はオープンエコシステムとオープン標準を信じており、オープン言語の標準作りに努めるASAMを積極的にサポートしています」
M-SDL仕様のバージョン0.9、M-SDLの概説、M-SDLパートナープログラムの申し込みについては、現在https://www.foretellix.com/open-language/ でご覧になれます。フォーテリックスはまた次世代オープンシナリオ(OpenSCENARIO)標準作成支援で積極的な役割を果たすべく、M-SDLの概念をASAMに提供しました。
フォーテリックスのフォーティファイ技術(Foretify Technology)には、オープンで高レベルの測定可能シナリオ記述言語(M-SDL)、インテリジェントでスケーラブルなオートメーション、分析方法、評価基準などがあります。消費者、ディベロッパー、保険会社、規制当局にとって魅力ある「セーフティー・ケース」が求められる機能的範囲の評価基準もこれに含まれます。
(C)Copyright 2019 Foretellix
メディアお問合せ :
Moshe Mendelson
+972 377 5633
Scott Fosgard
+1 734 272 7440
Mike Stainton
+44 7739 891040
ロゴ - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/772600/Foretellix_Logo.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/999327/Foretellix_M_SDL_scenario.jpg
Foretellix Targets Increasingly Visible Gaps in ADAS and Autonomous Vehicle Safety by Opening and Contributing its Measurable Scenario Description Language (M-SDL)
TEL AVIV, Israel, September 24, 2019, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Foretellix [https://www.foretellix.com/ ], an Israeli based start-up with a mission
to enable measurable safety of autonomous vehicles (AVs), today announced
it has opened Measurable Scenario Description Language (M-SDL) to the ADAS
and AV ecosystem and contributed the language concepts to the Association
for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM) standards
committee. M-SDL is the first open language that addresses multiple shortcomings
of today's formats, languages, methods and metrics used to verify and validate vehicle safety.
Foretellix also announced its M-SDL Partners Program, providing a mechanism for
industry feedback and refinement of M-SDL. A partial list of members includes
AVL List GmbH, Volvo Group, Unity Technologies, Horiba Mira Ltd, TUV SUD,
Automotive Artificial Intelligence (AAI) GmbH, Metamoto Inc, Vector Zero Inc,
Trustworthy Systems Lab of Bristol University, and Advanced Mobility Institute
of Florida Polytechnic University.
As many industry experts have noted, safety methods and metrics based on
quantity of miles driven in simulation and road testing, the number of
disengagements, and/or traditional test coverage are insufficient,
non-scalable, and not easily shared or reused.
In addition, due to the autonomous uncontrollable behavior of AVs and traffic,
developers cannot be sure their tests are actually orchestrating desired
scenarios or evaluating test coverage as intended. Finally, none of these
techniques offer adequate mechanisms to identify previously unknown hazardous
edge case scenarios nor aggregate coverage metrics across all virtual and
physical testing platforms.
By opening and contributing M-SDL, tool vendors, suppliers and developers will
be able to 1) use a common, human readable, high level language to simplify
the capture, reuse and sharing of scenarios, 2) easily specify any mix of scenarios
and operating conditions to identify previously unknown hazardous edge cases,
and 3) monitor and measure the coverage of the autonomous functionality
critical to prove AV safety, independent of tests and testing platforms.
"The ability to achieve measurable safety of AVs is still being limited by a lack of standards,
methods and metrics that inhibit reuse and sharing, are insufficient and/or non-scalable,"
said Ziv Binyamini, CEO of Foretellix. "We believe in an open ecosystem and open standards,
and are actively supporting ASAM in its efforts to create an open language standard."
Version 0.9 of the M-SDL specification, an overview of M-SDL, and the M-SDL
Partner Program application is now available on foretellix.com/open-language.
Foretellix has also contributed the M-SDL concepts to ASAM as part of its active
role in helping to shape the next generation of the OpenSCENARIO standard.
About Foretellix
Foretellix's mission is to enable 'measurable safety' of autonomous vehicles,
enabled by a transition from 'quantity of miles' to 'quality of coverage'.
Foretellix was founded by a team of pioneers in measurable verification and
validation, with a highly automated and proven coverage driven methodology
broadly adopted in the semiconductor industry. They have adapted and tailored
their approach for the safety verification and validation of autonomous vehicles.
Foretellix's Foretify Technology includes an open, high level Measurable
Scenario Description Language (M-SDL), intelligent and scalable automation,
analytics and metrics. This includes the functional coverage metrics required
to make a compelling 'safety case' to consumers, developers, insurance
companies and regulators.
(c) Copyright 2019 Foretellix
Media Contacts:
Moshe Mendelson
North America
Scott Fosgard
Mike Stainton
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/772600/Foretellix_Logo.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/999327/Foretellix_M_SDL_scenario.jpg
SOURCE: Foretellix