
カナダ造幣局(Royal Canadian Mint(RCM))


AsiaNet 81146 (2036)

【ウィニペグ(カナダ・マニトバ州)2019年10月23日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】カナダ造幣局(Royal Canadian Mint)は、ルイ・リエル生誕175周年を記念する特別版純銀プルーフドルを発表した。マニトバ州創設者を描く肖像に加え、造幣局で初めてメティス(混血)国家の公用語、ミチフ語で彫刻されたコインである。このコインは23日、Manitoba Metis Federationのルイ・リエル生誕年次祝賀会で公式に披露された。

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Manitoba Metis Federationのデービッド・チャートランド会長は「ルイ・リエルはメティス国家だけでなく、カナダ人全体にとってもアイコニックな人物で、しかも向上心あるロールモデルである。彼はメティスの自決を守って言語、宗教、先住民の権利に断固とした態度をとり、不正に抵抗した。彼の州政府リーダーシップの下、メティス国家は連邦のカナダの交渉相手、マニトバ州の創設者になった。カナダ造幣局がわれわれと緊密に協力して、リエル代表の生誕175周年を記念することは誇らしい。われわれの特別な祝典に彼ら、そして、あらゆるカナダ人を歓迎する」と語った。


Métis National Councilのクレマン・シャルティエ会長は「カナダ造幣局のコインは、メティス国家の永遠のリーダーに対する適切な賛辞である。ルイ・リエルのビジョンと犠牲は、カナダ連邦政府内に居場所を確保するメティスの人々の闘争を形成するだけでなく、西カナダ自身の誕生ももたらした」と語った。

サッシュ帯の下部には3言語で表記されたリエルの称号「NIIKAANIIW POOR LA NAASYOON LII MICHIF - MÉTIS NATION LEADER - CHEF DE LA NATION DES MÉTIS」が読める。コインにはルイ・リエルの署名もあり、表面にはスザンナ・ブラント氏が作成したエリザベス2世の肖像がある。





カナダ造幣局(Royal Canadian Mint)はカナダの流通コインの鋳造、流通に責任を持つ国営企業である。造幣局は世界最大で最も多様な造幣局の1つとして認められており、幅広い特殊な高品質コイン鋳造製品とそれに関連するサービスを国際規模で提供している。造幣局とその製品、サービスに関する詳しい情報はwww.mint.ca を参照。


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Alex Reeves

Senior Manager

Public Affairs



ソース:Royal Canadian Mint (RCM)

Royal Canadian Mint Silver Collector Coin Honours Métis Leader and Father of Manitoba Louis Riel


WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Oct. 23, 2019 /PRNewswire-=KYODO JBN/--

The Royal Canadian Mint has unveiled a fine silver Special Edition Proof Dollar

marking the 175th anniversary of the birth of Louis Riel. In addition to featuring

an evocative portrait of the founder of Manitoba, this is the first coin produced by

the Mint to be engraved with Michif, the official language of the Metis Nation.

The coin was officially launched today at the Manitoba Metis Federation's annual

celebration of Louis Riel's birth.

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Born 175 years ago in Saint-Boniface, in the former territory of Rupert's Land,

Riel was central to the effort to protect Metis rights when the land that would

become the province of Manitoba was transferred to the Dominion of Canada.

He is known as the founder of Manitoba, after negotiating the terms under which

the newly created province entered Confederation in 1870.

"The Mint plays an important role in crafting coins that tell stories of the

people who have shaped the course of Canadian history," said Marie Lemay,

President and CEO of the Royal Canadian Mint. "We are proud that our newest

collector coin recognizes that Louis Riel's leadership and tireless advocacy

for the Metis Nation made an undeniable contribution to Manitoba and Canada."

"Louis Riel is both an iconic figure and an aspirational role model not only

for the Metis Nation, but for all Canadians. He protected Metis self-determination,

stood strong for language, religious, and Indigenous rights, and resisted injustice,"

said David Chartrand, President of the Manitoba Metis Federation. "With his Provisional

Government leadership, the etis Nation became Canada's Negotiating Partner in

Confederation and the Founder of Manitoba. We are proud that the Royal Canadian

Mint has worked closely with us to commemorate President Riel's 175th birthday.

We welcome them, and indeed all Canadians, in our very special celebration."

Designed by Metis artist David Garneau, the reverse of the 2019 Special Edition

Proof Dollar features a portrait of Riel wearing a fur-trimmed buckskin jacket adorned

with traditional floral beadwork. The Coventry sash encircling his portrait forms one

looped half of the emblem of the Metis Nation: an infinity sign that represents

the unification of two cultures and the immortality of the Metis Nation.

"The Royal Canadian Mint's coin pays fitting tribute to the eternal leader of the Metis Nation,"

said Clement Chartier, President of the Metis National Council. "Louis Riel's vision and sacrifice

not only shaped the struggle of the Metis people to secure their place within the Canadian

Federation but also gave birth to western Canada itself."

The tri-lingual inscription of Riel's title found on the lower band of the sash reads:


LA NATION DES METIS. The coin also features an engraving of Louis Riel's signature.

The effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt is found on the obverse.

Limited to a world-wide mintage of 15,000, this 99.99% pure silver coin retails

for $59.95 CAD and can be ordered as of today by directly contacting the Royal

Canadian Mint at 1-800-267-1871 in Canada, 1-800-268-6468 in the US, or at

www.mint.ca. It will also be available at the Royal Canadian Mint's boutiques

in Ottawa and Winnipeg, at participating Canada Post outlets, and through the

Mint's global network of dealers and distributors as of November 5, 2019.

Images of the coin are available here (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2616141-1&h=1165717168&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbox.com%2Fsh%2Ftsl09kztw1a9j0c%2FAADlR7XODI83iicBr90BbTzLa%3Fdl%3D0&a=here ).

About the Royal Canadian Mint

The Royal Canadian Mint is the Crown corporation responsible for the minting

and distribution of Canada's circulation coins. The Mint is recognized as one

of the largest and most versatile mints in the world, offering a wide range of

specialized, high quality coinage products and related services on an international scale.

For more information on the Mint, its products and services, visit www.mint.ca.

Follow the Mint on Twitter (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2616141-1&h=429334805&u=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCanadianMint&a=Twitter ),

Facebook (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2616141-1&h=2050928074&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCanadianMint%2F&a=Facebook )

and Instagram (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2616141-1&h=2590357899&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcanadianmint%2F&a=Instagram ).

For further information:

Alex Reeves

Senior Manager

Public Affairs

Telephone: +1-613-884-6370


SOURCE: Royal Canadian Mint (RCM)




