Pandemic has accelerated digital upskilling, but key groups still miss out - PwC survey




LONDON, March 16, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- While 40% of workers say their digital skills improved during the lockdown,

data shows unequal access to career and training opportunities


One of the largest-ever studies of the global workforce shows:


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    -- Two in five believe their job will be obsolete within 5 years

    -- Half of the global workforce report missing out on career opportunities

       due to bias

    -- Training opportunities focused on those who already have high levels

       of skills

    -- Younger people report being more focused on maximising income than

       'making a difference'

    -- Only 1 in 10 of those who can work remotely want to go back to a

       traditional commute and work environment full time

    -- But people are taking their future into their own hands:  77% are ready

       to learn new skills or completely re-train and 49% would like to set up

       their own business


A new survey of 32,500 workers in 19 countries paints a picture of a global

workforce that sees the shift to remote working as just the tip of the iceberg.

Reflecting the fact the pandemic has accelerated a number of workforce trends,

60% are worried that automation is putting many jobs at risk; 48% believe

'traditional employment won't be around in the future' and 39% think it is

likely that their job will be obsolete within 5 years.


However, this is not a counsel of despair, as 40% of workers say their digital

skills have been improved through the prolonged period of lockdown, and claim

they'll continue to embrace training and skill development. 77% are 'ready to

learn new skills or completely re-train' and 74% see training as a matter of

personal responsibility. And, 80% are confident they can adapt to new

technologies entering their workplace, with a large majority of those asked in

India (69%) and in South Africa (66%) saying they are 'very' confident.


In addition, 49% of respondents are focused on building entrepreneurial skills

with an interest in setting up their own business.


Half of workforce report missing out on career opportunities or training due to



The survey also found that 50% of workers say they've faced discrimination at

work which led to them missing out on career advancement or training. 13%

report missing out on opportunities as a result of ethnicity and 14% of workers

have experienced discrimination on the grounds of gender, with women twice as

likely to report gender discrimination as men. 13% report discrimination on the

basis of class, with post-graduates and others with higher qualifications more

likely to report prejudice. Younger people are as likely as older people to

report discrimination based on age.


On top of that, the survey found there are disparities in access to upskilling

opportunities. While 46% of people with postgraduate degrees say their employer

gives them many opportunities to improve their digital skills, just 28% of

people with school-leaver qualifications say the same. Industries like retail

or transport, which are most at risk of disruption, score just 25% and 20%

respectively; while banking scores 42%.


"If current patterns in access to training persist, upskilling will increase

social inequality when it should be doing precisely the opposite," said Bhushan

Sethi, Joint Global Leader of PwC's People and Organization Practice.

"Government and business leaders need to work together to intensify efforts to

ensure people in the most-at risk industries and groups get the opportunities

they need. Automation and technological disruption are inevitable, but we can

control whether its negative effects are managed or not."


Younger people more focused on maximising income than 'making a difference' if

forced to choose


Three-quarters of workers globally (75%) say they want to work for an

organisation that will make a 'positive contribution to society.' This feeling

was especially acute in China (87%), India (90%), and South Africa (90%).


However, economic insecurity is limiting people's ability to pursue purpose

driven careers, with younger people particularly affected. Overall, 54% of

those polled said, if forced to choose, they would prefer a job that enabled

them to 'take every opportunity to maximise their income' over a job that

'makes a difference' (46%).


Interestingly, those between 18 and 34 are more likely than other generations

to prioritise income over purpose in their job with 57% prioritising

'maximising their income' over 'making a difference' (43%), a margin of 14

points. Those over 55 prioritise making a difference by a margin of 8 points,

which rises to 22 points amongst workers over 65.


"As the world continues to grapple with a global health crisis and economic

uncertainty, we've seen workers come to demand more from the business

community, expecting their employers to make a positive contribution to

society," said Peter Brown, Joint Global Leader of PwC's People and

Organization Practice. "Fortunately, focusing on societal impact and maximising

profit are not mutually exclusive, and being a purpose-led business can

actually help boost your bottom line."


Employees want the option to work remotely moving forward


The survey concludes that remote working will persist post-lockdown. Of those

who can work remotely, 72% of say they prefer a mixture of in-person and remote

working, with only 9% stating they'd like to go back to their traditional work

environment full-time. This is particularly true of professionals, office

workers, business owners and the self-employed, all of whom are able to perform

their jobs remotely using technology. Home working need not be limited to

professional jobs. 43% of manual workers and 45% of semi-skilled workers say

there are many elements of their job that they are able to do remotely.


People's attitudes to working from home also change by location, providing

further evidence of how the pandemic has increased the global digital divide.

Workers in metropolitan areas (66%) are more likely to work in roles that could

allow remote working than those who live in rural areas (44%).


Workers torn on privacy and technology


44% of workers globally would agree to let their employer use technology to

monitor their performance at work including sensors and wearable devices, with

31% against. However, many would not go as far as allowing their employers

access to their personal data. 41% of respondents said that they were unwilling

to give their employer access to their personal data including social media

profiles, with only 35% willing.


Notes to editors


Between 26 January, 2021 and 8 February, 2021, PwC commissioned a survey of

32,517 members of the general public. Respondents included workers, business

owners, contract workers, students, unemployed people looking for work, and

those on furlough or who were temporarily laid off. The survey polled workers

in 19 countries:  Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan,

Kuwait, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South

Africa, Spain, UAE, UK, and the US.


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