Pia Leon Wins The World's Best Female Chef Award 2021, Sponsored by Nude Glass

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants



LONDON, Aug. 4, 2021/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Award seeks to celebrate excellence and elevate female chefs as majority of

globally recognised restaurants continue to be male-led


The organisers of The World's 50 Best Restaurants today reveal Peruvian chef

Pi­a Leon as the winner of The World's Best Female Chef Award 2021, sponsored

by Nude Glass. The chef-owner of Kjolle and co-owner of Central, both in Lima,

Peru, is recognised for her ascent to the pinnacle of the gastronomic world.

While the restaurant landscape still suffers from widespread gender disparity,

Leon's kitchen seeks inclusion for all those who are best qualified, regardless

of gender.


The World's Best Female Chef Award, sponsored by Nude Glass, forms part of the

forthcoming programme for The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2021, sponsored by

S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, with the main awards ceremony due to take place in

Antwerp, Flanders on 5th October, when Leon will be presented with her award.


Leon was previously named Latin America's Best Female Chef in 2018. Kjolle,

Leon's first solo endeavour, received the Highest New Entry Award on Latin

America's 50 Best Restaurants 2019 list (No.21). She was also Head Chef at

Central when the pioneering Peruvian destination was named The Best Restaurant

in Latin America three times from 2015-2017.


Leon and husband Virgilio Marti­nez together opened Mil, a restaurant at 3,500m

above sea level in Cusco, Peru, which is also a research, development and

interpretation centre encompassing the Mater Iniciativa project, which

endeavours to learn more about Peruvian produce and its place of origin. Their

work has been instrumental in educating the world about the extraordinary

biodiversity of their home country.


William Drew, Director of Content for The World's 50 Best Restaurants, says:

"It is an honour to name Pia Leon as The World's Best Female Chef 2021. Her

dedication to inclusivity in her kitchen and passion for using the indigenous

ingredients of her country have set a benchmark for others."


Leon says: "The most positive thing that came out of such exceptional times is

that I have been able to continue working with a team of people who are

first-class human beings. They will see this award, as I do, as a great

indication that we are on the right track for the future."


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Source: The World’s 50 Best Restaurants





