Indonesia's G20 HWG Meeting Series Urges World Leaders to Be Prepared for Future Pandemics

The Indonesian Ministry of Health



LOMBOK, Indonesia, June 8, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The second Health Working Group (HWG) meeting brought global leaders to

initiate a new global emergency fund for future pandemics and focused on

facilitating greater sharing of genomic sequencing data, as well as how the

Financing Intermediary Fund (FIF) functions under the World bank in preparing

for future pandemics.


The Indonesian Health Minister, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, encouraged the G20 member

states not let pandemic stride without learning valuable lessons.


"Only through great earthquakes, lofty mountains rise. I believe this is true,

not only for volcanoes, but also for our humanity. During every crisis, lie

great opportunities," said in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.


The main issues addressed in the 6 to 8 June 2022 meeting were mobilization of

financial resources for future pandemic responses.


G20 member states discussed lessons learned from the successes of medical

countermeasures initiatives, such as COVAX and the ACT-accelerators that worked

efficiently during the pandemic in ushering vaccines, therapeutics, and



G20 and its partners, such as GISAID, now is looking at the optimization of

genomic surveillance and trusted data sharing mechanisms, allowing the world to

quickly identify novel pathogens that may pose new threats to global health



"We need a more permanent coordinating platform that can address five cores

such as access to countermeasures, emergency coordination, collaborative

intelligence, community protection; and clinical care to patients in need,"

said the Minister of Health.


Indonesia has committed to donate USD50 million to the FIF. As part of the G20

presidency mandate, Indonesia will also lobby organizations and donors to

ensure that the fund benefit the right target countries to prevent conflicting

interests from donors and organizations.


Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO's General Secretary, was commended

Indonesia's presidency to prioritize the establishment of global health system

architecture and putting it in the G20 agenda.


"We must learn from the lessons this pandemic has taught us because this will

not be the last one," said Dr. Tedros.


To access the Health Working Group plenary opening ceremony and press

conference, visit


Source: The Indonesian Ministry of Health


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia discussed the Global Health System

Resilience in the second Health Working Group (2nd HWG)





