Entrepreneurship Week For International Elites in Suzhou opened

Entrepreneurship Week for International Elites in Suzhou



SUZHOU, China, July 12, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On July 10, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Entrepreneurship Week for

International Elites and the Suzhou Scientist Day was held. 2,796 guests

participated with 2,819 projects. 23 domestic and foreign Maker Incubation

Centers and 31 global organizations organized and mobilized talents to watch

the live webcast of the opening ceremony of the main venue and participate in

online negotiation and docking, according to the Organizing Committee of

Entrepreneurship Week For International Elites.


As a major talent-introducing activity of Suzhou, this year's event has

received extensive attention and registrations from global high-level talents.

1,964 projects have been collected on the public platform of the main venue,

including 1,045 overseas projects and 919 domestic projects. 91.4% of the

participants have a master's degree or above, 42.7% have a doctoral degree, and

58.5% have overseas work and study backgrounds.


At present, Suzhou is focusing on key fields such as electronic information,

equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, and advanced materials, laying out the

chain of talent, industry, and innovation, vigorously promoting the

construction of industrial innovation clusters in the digital economy era, and

striving to deep integration of industrial and innovation chain. It will

constantly open up the stage for innovation and entrepreneurship.


10 Maker Incubation Centers in the US, the UK, the Netherlands and other places

simultaneously hold project settlement and incubation contracts; Suzhou Fund of

Angel Funds and well-known venture capital institutions have jointly

established 12 sub-funds. During the event, the "Suzhou Digital Economy

Advanced Professional and Technical Qualification Review Committee" was also

established, and the "Suzhou Key Industries Demanded Talent Catalog" was also

established to jointly build China Zhangjiagang Innovation Park and Sino-German

Joint Training Base for skilled talents.


Now Suzhou focuses on building the "City for Returned Talents".

Entrepreneurship Week has held for 14 consecutive years, and become "Golden

Brand" for Suzhou talent: it has attracted more than 30,000 global high-end

talents. More than 9,000 projects have settled down, and 154 national-level

talents have been introduced and trained. Starting from 2020, Suzhou has

designated July 10 every year as the "Suzhou Scientist Day" to express respect

and courtesy to scientists and talents.


Source: The Organizing Committee of Entrepreneurship Week for International

Elites in Suzhou


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=425213


   Caption: The opening ceremony of Entrepreneurship Week





