Huawei's David Wang: Innovation, Lighting up the 5.5G Era




SHENZHEN, China, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


At the Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week, David Wang, Executive Director of the

Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei,

delivered a keynote speech titled "Innovation, Lighting up the 5.5G Era". In

his speech, Wang spoke about the next evolution of 5G technology, which the

company has termed, 5.5G, and the industry's innovation roadmap for the next

five to ten years.


David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT

Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivering a keynote speech


"Looking ahead to 2025, the sheer diversity and magnitude of network service

requirements will create huge new market potential," said Wang. "We're here to

discuss these opportunities with operators and industry partners, and explore

the innovations we need to help pave the way for 5.5G."


Huawei proposed 5.5G for the first time at the 11th Global Mobile Broadband

Forum in 2020, and F5.5G (or fixed 5.5G) at the Global Analyst Summit this

April. Since then, the industry has been simmering with new ideas and best



A wealth of new requirements will raise the bar for next-generation ICT



According to Wang, new developments in digital technology need to support a

truly real-time, engaging, and more immersive experience in the digital world,

and gradually make a 10 Gbps network experience available everywhere on the



On the industrial front, digitalization has already entered the fast lane. AI

will be fully integrated into enterprise production processes, and the size of

the 5.5G IoT market will grow rapidly. Collaboration between robots and people

in complex scenarios will impose greater requirements on next-generation

industrial field networks.


Currently, bottlenecks in computing, such as memory walls, unbalanced

utilization of data center resources, and low energy efficiency, are hindering

the rise of new computing demand. To address these challenges, the industry

needs to innovate at the architecture and system levels to boost computing



Six features of 5.5G – New value for digital life and development


The first is a 10 Gbps user experience. 5.5G will deliver a 10 Gbps experience

through MIMO technology that boasts larger bandwidth, higher spectrum

efficiency, and higher-order modulation. With next-generation technologies like

FTTR, Wi-Fi 7, 50G PON, and 800G, F5.5G will bring a 10 Gbps experience



At the event, Wang proposed Net5.5G for the first time, defining the evolution

of IP networks to meet the rising demand for computing power by intelligent

applications. "As digitalization takes hold, intelligent applications will see

large-scale commercialization and computing resources will be located across

multiple clouds," said Wang. "Enterprises need to make use of computing power

from multiple clouds at lower costs, with greater agility and flexibility. To

this end, we need to keep innovating based on IPv6 to help the industry thrive.

This is why we proposed Net5.5G."


Second, the business scope will go beyond connectivity. 5.5G will go beyond

connectivity to include sensing, which will result in a wealth of new scenarios

and applications. Wireless sensing and fiber sensing technologies will be used

in vehicle-road collaboration and environment monitoring. Passive IoT will

integrate cellular and passive tag technologies to create 100 billion potential

connections. 5.5G core networks will redefine architectures and foundational

technologies to enable new service scenarios, such as industry private

networks, industrial field networks, and new calling.


Third, diversified computing will enable diversified applications. In the 5.5G

era, computing architectures will be redefined to increase computing efficiency

by 10-fold through chip engineering and full peer-to-peer interconnection



Fourth, data-centric storage will break through existing limits in storage

architecture. Future storage will improve storage performance by 10-fold

through data-centric hardware and software architecture and diversified data

application acceleration engines.


Fifth, full-stack AI native will make L4 highly autonomous driving networks

(ADNs) a reality. ADNs have become a common goal of the industry. Full-stack AI

native, from network elements to networks and services, will accelerate

breakthroughs in ADN technology. The results of new innovation, such as

compression algorithms for hundreds of network indicators and unknown fault

identification by AI foundation models, will be widely applied in the 5.5G era.


Lastly, developments in green technology and system-level innovation will

increase energy efficiency. The ITU-T has adopted Network Carbon data/energy

intensity (NCIe) as the unified energy efficiency metric to guide the

industry's green development roadmap. Huawei has developed innovative solutions

for green sites, green networks, and green operations to increase network

capacity and cut energy consumption per bit. These solutions will empower

operators in the 5.5G era.


"As we move towards the 5.5G era, all industry players need to work together to

bring standards to maturity and cultivate a thriving industry," said Wang. He

proposed three recommendations to conclude his speech.


- The industry needs to work closely together to define the vision and roadmap

for 5.5G.

- The industry should define technology standards within the standards

frameworks set by 3GPP, ETSI, and ITU.

- All industry players should work together to promote a thriving industry

ecosystem by incubating more use cases and accelerating digital, intelligent



The Win-Win·Huawei Innovation Week is held from July 18 to July 21 in Shenzhen,

China. Together with global operators, industry professionals, and opinion

leaders, we dive into topics such as 5.5G, green development, and digital

transformation to envision shared success in the digital economy. For more

information, please visit:


SOURCE  Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: David Wang, Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT

Infrastructure Managing Board of Huawei, delivering a keynote speech





