Yellow River culture thrives in Binzhou

China Daily



BINZHOU, China, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


A news report from


Binzhou, East China's Shandong province, is making efforts to promote the

protection, inheritance, and utilization of Yellow River culture to fuel the

high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry.


Yellow River, the second-longest river in China, is known as China's "Mother

River" and the cradle of Chinese civilization. The Yellow River spans 94

kilometers across the city, and continues to develop Binzhou's profound

historical culture.


Sun Tzu culture, Yellow River culture and Qi culture have become the most

basic, deepest and longest-lasting driving forces behind Binzhou's development,

as well as sources of vitality for the vigorous development of Binzhou's

cultural tourism industry, said Song Yongxiang, Party secretary of Binzhou.


Sun Tzu culture in the city is unique and far-reaching. Binzhou is the hometown

of the legendary Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (544-496 BC). His

masterpiece The Art of War is widely regarded as the world's first book

published on the topic of military strategy.


Binzhou currently houses three Sun Tzu cultural institutions and has achieved

nearly 500 municipal level or higher Sun-Tzu cultural research achievements.


As the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River

Basin has become a part of China's national strategy, Binzhou is striving to

promote the development of Yellow River culture by implementing a series of



The city is accelerating the construction of the Yellow River culture boutique

tourism belt and Yellow River Central Ecological Park. A coastal cultural

tourism area that integrates the Yellow River, coastlines, salt fields, shells,

and other resources is expected to be built to help boost coastal tourism.


Binzhou currently is home to 10 national intangible cultural heritage projects

and 52 provincial-level ones including Binzhou Lyu Opera, Huimin clay figures,

and Binzhou paper-cuttings, which all feature Yellow River culture. The city

has implemented the "Binzhou handmade" project, and is cultivating new growth

drivers within the handicraft industry to help vitalize the city's ancient



Looking ahead, Binzhou will continue to build a number of cultural landmarks

and promote a batch of cultural products and cultural brands to help develop

the city into a Yellow River culture tourism destination in China.


SOURCE: China Daily





