HSG and Huawei Jointly Released the Legacy Platform Migration Solution




SINGAPORE, July 26, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Hi Sun Fintech Global (HSG) and Huawei officially announced the Legacy Platform

Migration solution at the Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2022 under the

theme of "Shaping Smarter, Greener Finance".


Based on Huawei Cloud, this solution adopts HSG technologies and tools to

provide independent, innovative, intelligent, and economical legacy platform

migration services, helping customers move from a closed mainframe environment

to open cloud computing platforms. Moreover, it allows customers to fully

inherit their business assets, greatly improve application scalability and

integration capabilities, and quickly enhance the application requirement

response and service innovation agility.


At the sub-forum with the theme of "Building a Trusted and Innovative Cloud for

the Financial Industry", Sisi Yu, General Manager of HSG, shared the company's

over 30 years of experience in the mainframe field based on current pain points

in the global financial IT architecture. She presented the latest research

achievements on cloud-native distributed architectures, and also discussed how

to help customers build multi-platform and multi-technology solutions to

provide better differentiated financial services for users.


Recently, the IT architecture of the global financial industry is undergoing

tremendous changes and new technologies such as cloud computing, big data,

blockchain, IoT, and AI are booming. The increasingly fierce cross-industry

competition and complex customer requirements bring both big challenges and new

opportunities to the financial sector. Mainframes used to have a dominant

position in the industry because of the high availability and performance.

However, the position is undermined by the high cost, closed technology, and

inflexible architecture, as well as the emergence of cloud-native distributed

technology. Financial institutions are exploring solutions for legacy platform

migration to achieve independence, mitigate security risks, and reduce costs.


The Legacy Platform Migration solution jointly released by HSG and Huawei

leverages open platforms, open-source technologies, and independent R&D to

simplify application development. This helps customers improve the application

development efficiency, linear system scalability, and comprehensive disaster

recovery capability, achieving independent IT development.


Nicholas Ma, President of the APAC Enterprise Business Group, said, "Huawei can

achieve shared success with our customers in building smarter and greener

finance only through a healthy and sustainable ecosystem." Currently, HSG and

Huawei have established a comprehensive partnership. In future, we will work

together to bring greater value to the industry by accelerating digital

transformation towards smarter and greener finance.




Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=426319


   Caption: Sisi Yu, General Manager, HSG




