RevBits Delivers End-to-End Email Security - Defending from the Mail Server to the Edge User's Inbox

RevBits LLC



MINEOLA, N.Y., Aug. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


-- Advanced email security protects both ends of email reception, from

datacenter/cloud mail servers to edge devices, with SEG analysis and

client-side user inbox agent.


RevBits, a unifying cybersecurity company for enterprise endpoints, cloud and

on-premises ecosystems, today announced the launch of RevBits Secure Email

Gateway (SEG), adding an additional layer to its existing, client-side email

security. Customers now have the capability to defend against sophisticated

malicious emails from the point of email reception, down to the user inbox.


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RevBits Email Security – Single Vendor, Double Protection


   - RevBits Secure Email Gateway - is cloud-based and globally deployed for

     high availability and dynamic scalability.

   - RevBits User Inbox Protection – is a client installed application that runs

     locally, the admin panel is SaaS-delivered, which protects against highly

     sophisticated malicious emails at the most dangerous point - the endpoint.


A robust multi-layered email security approach, RevBits Email Security enables

a unified end-to-end security chain that captures, analyzes and blocks the most

sophisticated malicious emails - from on-premise and cloud email servers, to

user inboxes at the furthest points of the network edge. All features and

functions are unified within a single-view dashboard, accessed through the

secure admin portal.


"Cybersecurity requires a layered, multi-functional approach, and email is the

cornerstone for enterprise protection, as the vast majority of malware comes

through email phishing attacks," said David Schiffer, RevBits CEO. "Unifying

RevBits SEG with our client-side email security, is a case where the whole is

greater than the sum of its parts."


"RevBits' solution design and enhancements are all about choice, flexibility,

and thorough security," said Mucteba Celik, RevBits CTO. "When we decided to

add SEG to our client-side email security the goal was to provide a complete

email security solution, closing security gaps, and addressing the worrisome

reality that malware is still overwhelmingly delivered via email. Full

protection is now delivered."


About RevBits


Established in 2018, RevBits is a comprehensive cybersecurity company dedicated

to providing its customers with superior protection and service. RevBits

delivers protection against the most sophisticated cyber threats companies face

by offering multiple advanced security solutions administered through a unified

security platform. Headquartered in Mineola, NY with offices in Princeton, NJ,

Boston, MA, London (England), and Antwerp (Belgium). For more information on

RevBits please visit .


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Source - RevBits LLC




