Prominent Stanford University scientist and cellular reprogramming innovator will oversee all research for Turn Bio

Turn Biotechnologies



MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Aug. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


  -Vittorio Sebastiano, globally recognized for pioneering science, expands his

   role at company he co-founded as it moves closer to clinical research


Turn Biotechnologies, a cell rejuvenation company developing novel mRNA

medicines to cure untreatable, age-related conditions, today announced that

co-founder Vittorio Sebastiano, PhD, will become its head of research.


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Sebastiano led development of the unique mRNA-based ERA(TM) (Epigenetic

Reprogramming of Aging) platform Turn Bio uses to produce tailored protein

cocktails to rejuvenate targeted cells. He assumes his role as head of research

this month. Sebastiano has served as chairman of Turn Bio's Scientific Advisory

Board since he co-founded the company in 2018.


A Stanford School of Medicine faculty member, author of more than 50 scientific

articles and frequent speaker at research conferences around the world,

Sebastiano is prominent in the emerging field of cellular reprogramming. His

Stanford University lab pioneered the development of a new paradigm for

treating aging and age-related diseases. He also led the team that first

confirmed human cells can be reprogrammed using Turn Bio's ERA platform.


"Vittorio's vision and leadership will propel Turn Bio's innovation and speed

our efforts to develop new therapies," said Anja Krammer, the company's CEO.

"He keenly understands the potential our science has to redefine the way

doctors treat age-related conditions, and shares our commitment to delivering a

steady stream of new solutions to the clinic."


Sebastiano, who has conducted research at prominent universities in Europe and

the United States, looks forward to bringing his academic research to life by

guiding the development of Turn Bio's therapies


"The next months will be incredibly exciting, as we bridge the gap between

academic science and the life-changing therapies so desperately needed by

millions of people around the world," said Sebastiano. "We have the potential

to cure diseases that are currently untreatable, improve the quality of life

for millions and truly transform and democratize medical care."


Sebastiano received his bachelor's and doctoral degrees from Università di

Pavia in Italy and completed post-doctoral work at the Max Planck Institute for

Molecular Biomedicine in Germany and Stanford. Since 2014, he has been an

associate professor of OBGyN at Stanford in the Stanford Institute for Stem

Cell Biology. He is the Woods Family Scholar in Pediatric Medicine, has served

as co-director of the Stanford Stem Cell PhD Program and has received

prestigious awards for his pioneering and revolutionizing approach to induce

cellular rejuvenation, including the 2017 American Federation for Aging

Research (AFAR) Junior Investigator Award and the 2019 Breakthrough in

Gerontology Award by AFAR and the Glenn Foundation.




Turn Bio is a pre-clinical-stage company focused on repairing tissue at the

cellular level. The company's proprietary mRNA platform technology, ERA(TM),

restores optimal gene expression by combatting the effects of aging in the

epigenome. This restores the cells' ability to prevent or treat disease, heal

or regenerate tissue and fight incurable chronic diseases.


The company is currently completing pre-clinical research on tailored therapies

targeting indications in dermatology and immunology, as well as developing

therapies for ophthalmology, osteo-arthritis and the muscular system. For more

information, see .




Jim Martinez, rightstorygroup or (312) 543-9026


SOURCE  Turn Biotechnologies




