GCLSI Receives French Carbon Footprint Certification for Its 182 and 210 Series of Photovoltaic Modules




SUZHOU, China, Aug. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


GCL System Integration Technology Co., Ltd. (GCLSI) successfully gained French

carbon footprint certification recently, for its 182 series and 210 series of

high-efficiency photovoltaic (PV) modules. To date, GCLSI's full series of

products have obtained the French carbon footprint certificate, bolstering a

richer product ecosystem in the French market.


The French carbon footprint certification provided by Certisolis, a third-party

organization appointed through the French Energy Regulatory Commission, is the

basis for PV projects with products over 100kWp to enter the French market.


The maximum power of GCLSI's certified products has reached 675W, which covers

all application scenarios such as residential level, commercial and industrial

(C&I) level and at utility-scale. This product adopts advanced low-carbon

manufacturing technologies to provide the full lifecycle of clean energy,

applying multi-busbar (MBB), non-destructive cutting, and half-cell

technologies to enable a comprehensive upgrade of module performance. GCLSI

provides long-term, highly efficient and stable green benefits for its

customers' decarbonization process.


"Our vision is to 'bring green power to life' with a longstanding commitment to

better serve the client, and create more environmentally-friendly,

energy-saving products for the global market to contribute to the goal of zero

carbon emissions," said Thomas Kun Zhang, Executive President of GCLSI. "The

achievement of the French carbon footprint certification, as well as matching

the demand for green energy in the French market, has strengthened our

confidence to make more positive contributions to sustainability issues in the

future," Zhang added."


At the end of 2017, GCLSI started the French carbon footprint certification

project for the first time and obtained the first certification for the whole

industrial chain of polycrystalline products in 2019, with product sales

entering the French market. In 2020, the first monocrystalline product

certificate was obtained, then achieved carbon footprint certification for the

182 and 210 whole series products at the end of July 2022.


The French carbon footprint certification has proven GCLSI's market advantages

in low-carbon products, especially against the backdrop of peak carbon and

carbon neutrality goals. At the same time, it builds a solid foundation for

GCLSI to obtain carbon emission certification in China and promote the carbon

footprint certification project in Europe.







