China's Jining speeds up development of clusters in energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy industries




JINING, China, July 29, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --




Jining city in east China's Shandong province has achieved important results in

facilitating the growth of clusters in energy conservation, environmental

protection, and new energy industries, according to a press conference held on

July 19 by the Information Office of Jining Municipal People's Government.


Since August 2021, the special working group on the development of energy

conservation and environmental protection industries under the manufacturing

capacity building headquarters of Jining city has made great efforts to help

relevant enterprises scale new heights, push forward with projects, make

sci-tech innovations, and play an active role in the coordinated development of

industrial chains, an official said at the press conference.


The working group has identified a total of 197 companies as members of the

clusters in energy conservation and environmental protection industries. Among

these companies, 114 are enterprises with annual main business revenue of at

least 20 million yuan (about $2.97 million). In 2021, the combined revenues of

these companies reached 20.58 billion yuan.


The working group has supported 40 leading enterprises, backbone enterprises

and firms with great potential for growth in pursuing fast development, with

efforts focused on the two core industrial chains of water pollution prevention

and control and green and energy-efficient building materials.


Since the beginning of this year, one of the 40 enterprises has been granted

the status of provincial-level technological innovation demonstration

enterprise, and 13 have been recognized as provincial-level small and

medium-sized sci-tech firms.


The working group is ready to further consolidate the foundation for the

development of these enterprises and implement a project named "1+1+4" in a bid

to spare no effort to facilitate the fast growth and leapfrog development of

energy conservation and environmental protection industries, Xie Yanzhen, head

of the working group and deputy director of Jining Development and Reform

Commission, said at the conference.


The "1+1+4" project will regard industrial research as the cornerstone of

industrial development and construction of projects as the main focus of

efforts to vigorously promote the growth of enterprises, the construction of

major projects, the cultivation of high-quality enterprises, and the

coordinated development of industrial chains, Xie noted.


Since the establishment of the manufacturing capacity building headquarters of

Jining city, the special working group on the development of clusters of the

new energy industry under the headquarters has provided targeted services for

relevant enterprises, according to the press conference.


Last year, the combined revenues and profits of 46 leading enterprises,

backbone enterprises and firms with great potential for growth in the new

energy industry hit 6.84 billion yuan and 448 million yuan, respectively.


The special working group on the development of clusters of the new energy

industry will focus its efforts on helping enterprises achieve faster growth,

enhance the role of major enterprises in driving the development of the

industry, and strengthen the centripetal force for the coordinated development

of industries, according to Zhang Feng, deputy head of the special working



The working group will better leverage relevant policies to increase the size

of the new energy industry, pay close attention to and ensure the supply of

essential resources to major projects, enhance monitoring of the operations of

enterprises of the industry and improve its capability to serve these

enterprises, drive industrial innovation and promote the cultivation of

high-quality enterprises, Zhang said at the conference.







