Tell the World the Reason You Love Guizhou Loud

Guizhou Daily



GUIYANG, China, Jan. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


What makes you love southwest China's Guizhou? Tell the world loud.


"100 Reasons to Love Guizhou" Global Short Video Competition, sponsored by

Moutai Group and hosted by Guizhou Daily, has received over 100 short videos

from a dozen countries including France, Germany, the Netherlands, Thailand and

China to tell wonderful stories with Guizhou.


Ji Keliang, the former chairman of Moutai Group, has begun to work at Moutai

since 1964. Born in Jiangsu province, he has stayed in Guizhou for 60-odd

years. For most of his career, he served as a technician in the company. Ji

said, "I love Guizhou, all the more for the liquor making process of Moutai.


Zhou Yuan, the founder and CEO of Zhihu, a Chinese Q&A website with 100 million

users, was born and raised in Guizhou. "I am always motivated by Guizhou's

unremitting efforts and innovation," said Zhou. While Guizhou was

underdeveloped twenty years ago, it has seized the opportunity of developing

big data industry and become the "star" of southwest China in recent years.


For Ye Xin, a famous Chinese writer, "Guizhou has been an inspiration for my

works." The "colourful" ethnic groups in Guizhou provide highly erudite writing

style for him. Thus, he created his own language style and wrote over 100 books.


"The beautiful mountains and rivers of my hometown are the gift of my birdlike

voice," said Gong Linna, the famous Chinese singer born in Guizhou. When she

was young, she was so proud of singing Guizhou's folk songs.


Rick Fraterman, a Dutch artist, has been in Guizhou for five years. He worked

as an art teacher before owning an art café- LIKE CAFE. He thought that the art

scene in Guiyang was really good and developing very fast. Every week, he is

surprised about what he sees here- so many different kinds of exhibitions.


Arriving in Guizhou in 2015, Frédéric Moal, the French BMX athlete, started his

company to develop extreme sports. He practiced BMX since 1982. The nice

climate and strong traditional culture motivate him to live in Guizhou. He said

that Guizhou, a very beautiful province with beautiful mountains, was a

paradise for outdoor sports.


Meanwhile, social media influencers from America, UK, Germany, Latvia and

Slovakia, were invited to look into the local history, ethnic culture and

beautiful scenery of Zunyi. During the 4-day activity, they went to the Moutai

Chinese Liquor Culture City at Renhuai city to explore history of Moutai

liquor. Then, at Chishui city, red Danxia cliffs, spinulose tree ferns and

ancient towns impressed them a lot.


Robert Adolf, a German social media influencer, cannot wait to share his

experience in Guizhou with his followers after the event ended. Regarding

making documentaries about ethnic minorities and the life of villagers, he

prefers Qiandongnan prefecture, Qiannan prefecture, and Qianxinan prefecture.

"I love Guizhou because of the hospitality of local people. I am curious about

the culture and feel at home here," Adolf said.


At Moutai Town of Renhuai city, Gdovinova Martina, a social media influencer

from Slovakia, sipped a few cups of Moutai Liquor, saying that the liquor

tasted very soft, which is good for staying warm in winter.


In the past, leafing through the map of China, Guizhou was relatively unknown

compared with Sichuan, Chongqing, Tibet, and Yunnan in southwest China.

However, Guizhou has turned into a shining "gem" when reopening the map.


SOURCE: Guizhou Daily


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   Caption: Rick Fraterman, a Dutch artist, said that there are many talented artists in

Guizhou, which surprised him a lot.





