Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd and Microchip Technology Inc signed DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT.

Accelerate market launch of Microchip's products.

Shinko shoji


Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo,

CEO: Tatsuya Ogawa, hereinafter referred to as “Shinko Shoji”) has signed DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT with Microchip Technology Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Microchip").


Microchip is a semiconductor manufacturing company established in 1989 and headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, USA. Microchip has offices around the world and a global customer base. Microchip has the technology that corresponds to various applications as a top provider of various semiconductors such as MCU, Memory, Analog IC and Programmable Device. Microchip also provides reliable solutions to customers by developing products with high security functions.


The two companies will contribute to the realization of high-quality systems most suitable for the customer’s needs, achieved by combining Microchip's MCU, Analog IC and Programmable Devices with Shinko Shoji’s Software design capabilities accumulated for over 30 years.


Shinko Shoji aims for a sales expansion accelerating design-in through Microchip products and our solutions for our various customers.



*ABOUT Microchip Technology Inc.

Headquarters: 2355 W CHANDLER BLVD CHANDLER, AZ 85224-6199 USA

President and CEO Steve Sanghi

Asia CE / Vice President Edward Han



Japan Office: Microchip Technology Japan Corp.

Sumitomo Higashi-Shinbashi Bldg. No.3 4F, 1-10-14, Hamamatsu-cho,

Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013, Japan

President Mr. Haruhiko Ichii


*About Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd.

Headquarters: 1-2-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 141-8540, Art Village Osaki Central Tower 13F

President and CEO Tatsuya Ogawa










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