
Occlutech GmbH


AsiaNet 49479

共同JBN 0716 (2012.5.30)


【イエナ(ドイツ)2012年5月29日PRN=共同JBN】器質性心臓疾患治療用の最低侵襲インプラントの欧州で有力な開発会社であるOcclutech GmbHは29日、AGA/St Jude Medicalとの継続中の特許訴訟で、オランダ・ハーグの最高裁判所から有利な決定を受けたと発表した。Occlutechに有利な一審の決定に対してAGAは2008年に控訴し、二審の有利な決定にも2010年に上告していた。


Occlutechのトール・ペテルス最高経営責任者(CEO)は「市場での技術上の優位を1社で維持しようとしている競争相手のこの大規模企業が進もうとしている領域を見ると本当に悲しくなる。Occlutechとその従業員にとってはつらいことだが、真の敗者は医師であり、特にAGA/St Jude Medicalによる訴訟のためにすぐれた製品の使用を拒否されている患者である。われわれはこの種の脅しには屈しない決意を固めており、技術革新を続け、すぐれた製品を市場に出し続ける決意を固めている」と語っている。


ソース:Occlutech GmbH

Occlutech Wins Dutch Supreme Court Ruling Against AGA/St Jude Medical


JENA, Germany, May 29, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Occlutech GmbH, the leading European developer of minimally invasive

implants for the treatment of structural heart disease, today announced

receiving a favourable Supreme Court ruling from The Hague in The Netherlands

in the on-going patent litigation with AGA/St Jude Medical. A first instance

court ruling obtained in favour of Occlutech had been appealed by AGA in 2008,

as had the favourable appeal court decision obtained in 2010.

    In this final ruling, the Supreme Court saw no reason to change the

favourable first instance and appeal court rulings. The Dutch Supreme court

decision comes after Supreme Courts in Germany and the UK have decided in

Occlutech's favour in the same matter and can't be appealed. Litigation in the

same matter is ongoing in Italy, Sweden and Spain where Occlutech has won in

the first instances.

    Tor Peters, Occlutech's CEO, says: "It is really sad to see the extent to

which this large competitor is willing to go in order to try to keep a company

with better technology off the market. It is hard on Occlutech and our

employees but the real losers are physicians and especially patients who have

been denied superior products due to the aggressive litigation by AGA/St Jude

Medical. We are dedicated not to give in to this kind of bullying and to

continue to innovate, bringing superior products to the market."

    Occlutech's own patent position has been continuously strengthened and a

full pipeline of new technologies and products is being developed. Occlutech

plans to launch additional occluder devices for indications such as PDA and

VSD, in addition to second generation ASD and PFO occluders. In addition, an

innovative LAA occluder, a new generation of stent grafts and cardiac valve

intervention technology are also being developed.

    SOURCE: Occlutech GmbH




