3 Trekking Courses Added as 'Kyushu Olle' Program Gets Sports Promotion Award

FUKUOKA, Japan, Mar. 12 /Kyodo JBN/ --

The Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd.

3 Trekking Courses Added as 'Kyushu Olle' Program Gets Sports Promotion Award

The Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization and the Kyushu District Transport Bureau have newly recognized three courses -- "Yame" in Yame city, Fukuoka Prefecture; "Beppu" in Beppu city, Oita Prefecture; and "Amakusa/Reihoku" in Reihoku town, Kumamoto Prefecture -- as part of the "Kyushu Olle" trekking program allowing walkers to enjoy the nature of Kyushu, a main island in southeastern Japan.

"Kyushu Olle" was established in February 2012 by the tourism organization and other entities to enhance efforts to lure tourists from South Korea, where trekking is a popular activity.

A total of 97,380 people, including 65,220 South Koreans, had visited Kyushu through the program as of November. With the addition of the three courses, the program now includes 15 courses covering a combined distance of 177.4 kilometers.

In addition, the Japan Sports Health Industries Federation and the Japan Sport Tourism Alliance announced on Feb. 13 the winners of their third sports promotion awards recognizing contributions by groups toward regional promotion through sports, and "Kyushu Olle" was awarded the grand prize. The program was given high marks for introducing South Korea's system and including a scheme for inbound tourists to "walk" through town.

Source: The Nishinippon Shimbun Co., Ltd.






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