2016 Waseda-IAC International e-Government Rankings

WASEDA University

Waseda University has released its annual international e-government rankings for 2016. The 2016 survey has Singapore staying at first place, followed by USA, Denmark, Korea and Japan. Estonia is 6th, Canada 7th, Australia 8th, New Zealand 9th and the United Kingdom and Taiwan tied at 10th.


Waseda University

2016 Waseda-IAC International e-Government Rankings

Singapore tops the list again, Japan rises from 6th to 5th

Tokyo - Waseda University, in cooperation with the International Academy of CIOs (IAC), has released its annual international e-government rankings for 2016.

The 2016 ranking survey marks Singapore staying at first place, followed by USA in 2nd, Denmark in 3rd, Korea in 4th and Japan in 5th place. Estonia is 6th, Canada 7th, Australia 8th, New Zealand 9th and the United Kingdom and Taiwan tied at 10th.

       Country       Score

1.  Singapore       91.0

2.  USA               90.2

3.  Denmark        88.8

4.  Korea             85.7

5.  Japan             83.2

6.  Estonia           81.8

7.  Canada           79.9

8.  Australia         76.4

9.  New Zealand   74.1

10.  UK               72.7

10.  Taiwan         72.7

This publication represents the twelfth year of the global e-government survey by the team led by Professor Toshio OBI, Director of the Waseda University Institute of e-Government, along with experts at 10 other IAC member universities worldwide.

For more information, see: http://www.e-gov.waseda.ac.jp/



Fig 1: Top 10 Overall

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