Chiba Prefecture's Mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" to Appear at Taipei International Travel Fair 2016
CHIBA, Japan, Oct. 26, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --
Press and Public Relations Division, Chiba Prefectural Government
Chiba Prefecture's Mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" to Appear at Taipei International Travel Fair 2016
The Chiba Prefectural Government will set up a display booth at the Taipei International Travel Fair (hereinafter ITF 2016) to be held from November 4 to 7, 2016.
During the exhibition, Chiba Prefecture's Mascot "CHI-BA+KUN," which is highly popular in Taiwan, will appear at Chiba Prefecture's display booth to promote the attractiveness of the prefecture.
1. Taipei International Travel Fair (Taipei ITF 2016)
(1) Period of Chiba Prefecture running its booth: Friday, November 4, to Monday, November 7, 2016
(2) Location of the Chiba Prefecture booth: Hall 1, Taipei World Trade Center in Taipei
2. Video in which CHI-BA+KUN will introduce Chiba
The Chiba Prefectural Government has produced a video in which Ms. Shanten Taitai, a Taiwanese blogger living in Japan, and CHI-BA+KUN visit the Chiba Prefecture cities of
Sakura, Narita, Sawara and Choshi -- which have been certified as "Japan Heritage" sites -- to view "streetscapes in the Hokuso district that retain the vestiges of the Edo Period (1603-1867)," and introduce sightseeing spots and local cuisine.
Shanten Taitai's trip to Chiba (30-sec. version): (traditional Chinese version)
Shanten Taitai's trip to Chiba (1) in Narita: (traditional Chinese version)
Shanten Taitai's trip to Chiba (2) in Sakura: (traditional Chinese version)
Shanten Taitai's trip to Chiba (3) in Sawara: (traditional Chinese version)
Shanten Taitai's trip to Chiba (4) in Choshi: (traditional Chinese version)
3. CHI-BA+KUN Facebook page opened
The Chiba Prefectural Government has opened a Facebook page named, "CHI-BA+KUN Taiwan Fan Club," to show CHI-BA+KUN's promotional activities in Taiwan and release information on Chiba Prefecture.
"CHI-BA+KUN Taiwan Fan Club" (traditional Chinese version):
- 名称 千葉県
- 所在地 千葉県
- 業種 自治体