Hato Bus Unveils New Tour Courses for Foreign Visitors, Featuring Mystic "Nomizo Waterfall," ...
TOKYO, Dec. 16, 2016 / Kyodo JBN/--
Hato Bus Co., Ltd.
Hato Bus Unveils New Tour Courses for Foreign Visitors,
Featuring Mystic "Nomizo Waterfall,"
Theme Park "Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura"
Hato Bus Co., Ltd. announced on December 16 a total of 55 bus tour courses with English- or Chinese-speaking guides, scheduled to be running from January to June 2017.
(Photo: http://prw.kyodonews.jp/opn/release/201612157238/)
Visit "Cool Japan" Destinations Going Viral on SNS
"Nomizo Waterfall" in Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, is one of sightseeing spots having gone viral by photos posted on SNS. Around the fall of 2015, people began to talk about photos of the waterfall posted on SNS, saying the photos reminded them of the animation world created by Studio Ghibli, and even began to visit the place, at a pace of about 5,000 persons a day on any weekend. More recently, foreign people began to echo the Japanese enthusiasm for the waterfall and talk about coming to Japan to visit the destination.
In addition, "Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura" in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, is a history theme park where visitors can always enjoy a throwback to the Edo Era (1603-1867) -- its streetscape, atmosphere, shows and foods. "Edo Wonderland Nikko Edomura" ranked 8th on the top 2016 Japanese theme park list by "TripAdvisor," the world's largest travel review site.
Moreover, this year's outing to a strawberry farm, a highly popular program for Asian tourists, will include for the first time an all-you-can-eat event at a farm of "SkyBerry," the newest strawberry variety developed in Tochigi Prefecture. Visitors can eat, as many as they want, the premium strawberry selling for 500 yen ($4.34) apiece in the market.
The above destinations growingly popular among foreign tourists will be included in four new bus tour courses each with an English or Chinese guide.
A tour example: Boso Hell Peek and Nomizo Waterfall/Shopping Outlet
Fare: 9,800 yen per person (1,000 yen discount for child)
Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays from Feb. 1 to April 29, 2017
Itinerary: Start at Hamamatsucho Bus Terminal (9:20), Umihotaru Parking Area, lunch at fisheries co-op restaurant Banya, Hell Peek walk at Nokogiri-yama, Nomizo Waterfall, shopping at Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, Arrive at Tokyo Station (18:30)

- 名称 株式会社はとバス
- 所在地 東京都
- 業種 陸運業
- URL https://www.hatobus.co.jp/
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