Introducing ABCs of "Imo (Sweet Potato) Shochu Liquor" to Foreign Countries


MIYAKONOJO, Japan, June 30, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Kirishima Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Introducing ABCs of "Imo (Sweet Potato) Shochu Liquor" to Foreign Countries

- English Version of Special Website "Shochu culture site" Launched on June 28, 2017 -

Kirishima Shuzo Co., Ltd., a producer of "Honkaku Shochu" (authentic distilled liquor) headquartered in Miyakonojo, Miyazaki Prefecture, southwestern Japan, launched the English version of its special website "Shochu culture site" on June 28, 2017, to introduce the shochu culture to foreign countries.

Special website:


"Shochu culture site" is Kirishima Shuzo's original English-language website which explains various fascinating features of "sweet potato Shochu" to foreign visitors to Japan, the number of whom is expected to continue to increase in the future. The website introduces various aspects of "sweet potato Shochu" to foreigners, including ways of drinking, health effects, production methods and roots of the alcoholic spirit. The website also contains information designed to help foreigners, who have little knowledge of "sweet potato Shochu," feel connected to their countries by comparing it with similar distilled spirits such as whisky and tequila and dealing with the roots of sweet potatoes, the basic ingredient of the spirit, so that they can better understand "sweet potato Shochu." In order to help foreigners feel familiar to "sweet potato Shochu," we are planning to introduce the "DAREYAME" local culture (*1), among other features, by using videos. Apart from the English version, we are also planning to release Chinese (in simplified Chinese characters) and Korean versions of our special website.

Kirishima Shuzo marked the 100th anniversary of its founding in May 2016, supported by customers since it took out its first shochu product from a warehouse in 1916. As part of our fresh efforts in the 101st year, we will introduce the shochu culture to foreign countries through the "Shochu culture site."

(*1) "DAREYAME" culture:

In Southern Kyushu, it is customary to finish off the day by drinking shochu called "DAREYAME." "DARE" means fatigue while "YAME" means stop. The "DAREYAME" culture is an easygoing culture unique to Kyushu in which one finishes off the day by healing their tiredness by the end of the day and replenishing energy for the next day. Because in the olden days people healed their fatigue from farm work outside by drinking "sweet potato Shochu" hot or with hot water to warm their bodies, people drink "DAREYAME" shochu after work as everyday alcoholic beverage even today.


Introducing the content of "Shochu culture site"


(URL: )

By introducing the "DAREYAME" culture, this website demonstrates fascinating features of the shochu culture and Japanese culture. (Scheduled to be introduced through a video in the future)

- How to Drink

(URL: )

This website illustrates ways of drinking shochu (on the rocks, with water and the like) in a schematic way by using infographics.

- Healthy & Beauty

(URL: )

This website explains health effects of shochu (such as zero carbohydrates and zero purine bodies) by comparing with other alcoholic drinks.

- What's SHOCHU?

(URL: )

This website compares shochu with Japanese sake and the world's distilled spirits, and explains methods of producing shochu.

- Roots of SHOCHU

(URL: )

This website explains the roots of shochu (such as distilling techniques, an encounter with the koji mold, a theory of three transmission routes for sweet potatoes and so on).

About Kirishima Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Kirishima Shuzo, which has its head office and factory in the Miyazaki Prefecture city of Miyakonojo, is a shochu producer that marked the 100th anniversary of its founding in 2016. The company produces Honkaku Shochu such as the "Kuro Kirishima" brand by using ground water called "Kirishima Rekka-sui (fissure water)" that has been refined in Shirasu-Daichi, a broad pyroclastic plateau formed by volcanic activity that has continued for about 30,000 years, and sweet potatoes called the "Kogane-Sengan" variety that is suited to make shochu as basic ingredients. As a leading company in the shochu industry, the company has been producing good and tasty Honkaku Shochu to be chosen by customers at home and abroad while preserving and nurturing the ancient Japanese shochu culture under its slogan "spurring passion from quality."

Company president: Yoriyuki Enatsu

Head Office: 4-28-1 Shimokawa-Higashi, Miyakonojo, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan

Global website:

Chinese (in simplified Chinese characters) and Korean versions of this website are scheduled to be launched in the future.



Shochu culture site TOP

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Shochu culture site How to Drink

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Shochu culture site Healthy&Beauty

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Shochu culture site What's SHOCHU

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Shochu culture site Roots of SHOCHU

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kirishima global TOP

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kirishima honsyazousetsu factory

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