NTT Resonant's Cloud-based Testing Service "Remote TestKit" Introduces New Feature

NTT Resonant

TOKYO, Jan. 7, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --

NTT Resonant Inc.

NTT Resonant's Cloud-based Testing Service "Remote TestKit"

Introduces New Feature

- Significantly Improves Efficiency and Quality of Mobile Tests by Automatically Recording Test Operations for Easy Error Reports -

NTT Resonant Inc. is excited to announce that it has started offering a new feature that automatically records all operations taken on mobile devices during the time you rent them on cloud-based testing service “Remote TestKit” (Note 1).


This new feature can be compared to a car dashboard camera recorder as it automatically logs all operations and records what was displayed on the screens of mobile devices in Remote TestKit from the beginning to the end of the rental period. You can replay the recorded video from the logged operation history. If an error occurs during testing, it would normally take time to determine when and during what operation the error took place. With the new feature, however, you can use the operation history to review the specific operation on video. This reduces the amount of time spent by testers reproducing the error.

1. Main Features

A. Automatically record operation history

Without any need to turn on the function, video recording will automatically commence at the start of the rental. If an error occurs during testing, you can readily review the operation via recorded video.

B. Review operations and video simultaneously

In the operation history, text input, taps and other operations are displayed and a video clip of the mobile device screen for those operations is displayed on the recorded screen. When you want to review the video, you can click on the specific operation in the history or use the “video seek bar” to search for the section you wish to review.

C. Sharing (export history)

You can save and share the recorded operation, video and screenshots. Also, instead of sharing the entire operation period, you can export a specific duration that you choose on the operation list such as the time surrounding an error. This improves efficiency when reviewing errors.

2. Usage Overview

A. Logging and recording will start automatically. When you want to review something, these are displayed from the menu.

(Image 1:

B. Operations taken will be displayed in an overview in the operation history. A video clip of the device screen for each test or operation will be also displayed on the recorded screen. When you choose an operation in the history, video footage starting at the commencement of that operation will be replayed.

(Image 2:

C. Video footage from a specific spot can be replayed using the seek bar above the recorded screen (a mini preview will be displayed).

(Image 3:

D. Certain operations, related video clips and screenshots can be exported and shared with others by selecting the portion you want in the history.

3. How to Use This Function

All users subscribing to the Flat Plan can use this feature.

(Note 1)

Remote TestKit (

Remote TestKit is a cloud-based mobile device-testing service offering access to hundreds of real devices to maximize your efficiency and to minimize your expenses. Now developers and testers can access all the latest and oldest popular devices at their fingertips. Remote TestKit offers seamless connection to your existing manual and automated testing tools. NTT Resonant offers flexible plans with Public SaaS, Enterprise On-Premise and Hosted solutions to fit your requirements. Remote TestKit is developed and supported by NTT Resonant, a subsidiary of NTT -- the world leader in telecommunication and mobile technologies.

The above company, service and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.



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