Chiba Prefectural Government Sending Out Information through “Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai”...
CHIBA, Japan, Mar. 25, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --
Chiba Prefectural Government
Chiba Prefectural Government Sending Out Information through “Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai” Facebook Page to Publicize Local Attractions
Chiba Prefecture, home to Narita International Airport, is transmitting information through the “Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai” (“team to publicize the attractions of Chiba”) Facebook page, opened in September 2018, to publicize the prefecture’s allures to the rest of Japan and the world as the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games are drawing near.
People who love Chiba have so far posted approximately 600 messages on the Facebook page, introducing the charms of the prefecture including Chiba’s unique food and impressive scenery as well as local residents’ hospitality.
The winners were selected from among numerous posts based on the number of likes and shares they won as well as screening by experts including a well-known blogger. Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai forum was held at the Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art, known for its spacious structure, and the winners and messages were introduced for their impressive and favorable reactions.
The experts delivered speeches on the attractions of Chiba and how to introduce such charms to the public using SNS.
Prefectural government officials hope that as many people as possible will feel the attractions of Chiba Prefecture, which hosts Narita International Airport that is the gateway to Japan, through the Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai Facebook page.
The following prize-winning posts are carried on the “Chiba-no Miryoku Hasshintai” Facebook page. Chiba Prefectural Government officials are calling on members of the public to post “likes” if they find the posts interesting:
(1) Gold Prize (post that garnered the largest number of “likes” and share)
Name: Yukiko Takashiro
Content: Omigawa Ekimae Shotengai (shopping street in front of Omigawa Station) (Katori city)
(2) Silver Prize (post that garnered the 2nd largest number of “likes” and share)
Name: Tatsuya Sato
Content: Hojo Beach (Tateyama city)
(3) Bronze Prize (post that garnered the 3rd largest number of “likes” and share)
Name: Toshiki Seki
Content: Haraoka Beach (Minamiboso city)

- 名称 千葉県
- 所在地 千葉県
- 業種 自治体