dormy Inn Asakusa Ensures All Meals Conform to Halal Dietary Rules to Welcome Muslim Guests

Kyoritsu Maintenance

TOKYO, Aug. 8, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd.

dormy Inn Asakusa Ensures All Meals Conform to

Halal Dietary Rules to Welcome Muslim Guests

- 1st Japanese Business Hotel to Obtain 3-star Halal Certification -

“dormy inn global cabin Asakusa,” a business hotel operated by Kyoritsu Maintenance Co., Ltd., has received halal certification in the eatery category from the Japan Halal Foundation, making sure that all meals it serves conform to Islam’s halal dietary rules since July 13, 2019.

The hotel has received a three-star halal certificate, which means “complete halal” and is the highest among the three levels of certification, becoming Japan’s first business hotel to receive such certification (*1).

(*1) Based on survey by Japan Halal Foundation


dormy inn global cabin Asakusa official website:

About the halal menu

Kyoritsu Maintenance thoroughly considered guests’ requests, the selection of ingredients and how to secure suppliers of ingredients and train staffers in introducing the halal menu. Since Kyoritsu Maintenance regards halal diet not as special meals but as those that all guests can enjoy, the company is sure that the renewed menu can satisfy not only guests from overseas including Muslims but also Japanese guests.

Kyoritsu Maintenance has modified “Yonakisoba” noodle, which enjoys high popularity among dormy inn customers from overseas as a late-night snack, to conform to halal rules (*2). In doing so, it carefully selected ingredients to maintain the original taste of the food. The company started serving the modified “Yonakisoba” noodle for a late-night snack and beef sukiyaki and cream stew for breakfast. Kyoritsu Maintenance is also considering expanding its menu.

(*2) "Yonakisoba" noodle that conforms to halal dietary rules is served only at this particular facility (as of July 30).

Renovation of the hotel

A prayer room has been set up on the 10th floor to help Muslim guests comfortably stay in Japan in not only meals but also other aspects.

Conditions for the three-star halal certification (eatery category):

-- All food to be served must meet halal dietary rules;

-- Using pork and pork-derived ingredients or serving food containing these ingredients is strictly prohibited; and

-- Alcoholic beverages must not be served.

*For details, visit the Japan Halal Foundation official website:

Overview of the facility & inquiries about reservations:

Name: dormy inn global cabin Asakusa

Address: 1-3-4, Hanakawado, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Postal area code: 111-0033

Official website:

For the detailed information of this news release, please visit the following URL:



A halal certification sign is seen at the entrance to the hotel.

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“Yonakisoba” noodle that conforms to halal dietary rules is known as a popular late-night snack.

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A three-star halal certificate

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A prayer room

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Japanese meal that conforms to halal dietary rules (breakfast)

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Western meal that conforms to halal dietary rules (breakfast)

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