Nippon Express (China) Becomes First Japanese Logistics Company to Establish Office

in China’s Hainan Province

TOKYO, July 21, 2022 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.

Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "NX China"), a group company of Nippon Express Holdings, Inc., has become the first Japanese logistics company to establish an office in Haikou City, Hainan Province, which opened for business on July 1.




The building where the Hainan Office is located:


Hainan Island in the southern Chinese province of Hainan sits at the heart of the Asian economic zone. The provincial capital, Haikou, has developed as a political and economic center, and Sanya on the southern tip of the island has become a major leisure city nicknamed "the Hawaii of Asia." The Chinese government announced an "Overall Plan for Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port" in 2020 and, to fully implement a zero import tariff policy by 2025, logistics facilities are being developed to make the entire island a free trade port. Expansion by the medical/pharmaceutical industry into the western part of the island in recent years along with an anticipated surge in purchases of duty-free products will likely accelerate demand for logistics services.


Given these circumstances, NX China as the only Japanese-affiliated total logistics company on the island will be providing forwarding services for a range of transport modes (ocean, air, rail and truck transport) and will be enhancing its highly convenient logistics services connecting Hainan Island with overseas locations.


In conjunction with launching the Hainan Office, NX China will be taking part in the five-day 2nd China International Consumer Products Expo to be held in Haikou City from Tuesday, July 26, to Saturday, July 30, where it will be introducing its business operations and transport services in the Hainan area and seeking to strengthen ties with customers and relevant organizations.


Profile of new office

Name: Hainan Office, Guangzhou Branch, Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd.

Address: B1312, Haihang International Plaza, 109-9 Haikou Avenue, Haikou City, Hainan Province


Business description

- Forwarding service brokerage operations (ocean freight, air freight, trucking, rail)

- Logistics brokerage operations (bonded warehousing, general warehousing, domestic transport)

- Sales activities in Hainan Province


Nippon Express website:


NX Group's official LinkedIn account:



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