"Welcome to Chiba Prefecture" Campaign at Narita International Airport

CHIBA, Japan, Mar. 24/Kyodo JBN/ --

Press and Public Relations Division,

Chiba Prefectural Government

"Welcome to Chiba Prefecture" Campaign at Narita International Airport

Narita International Airport is located in the city of Narita in Chiba Prefecture. Chiba is blessed with various flowers that bloom every season, a vast and varied coastline, and delicious local produce and seafood. Chiba also has been home to thriving communities since the ancient times.

In order to introduce the attractions of Chiba Prefecture to visitors from abroad, Narita International Airport will set up "Welcome to Chiba" signboards in the arrival lobbies of Terminal 1 & Terminal 2. Moreover, visitors to Chiba can see an image photo of Chiba Prefecture in the arrival concourse for domestic flights in Terminal 3.

Come to Chiba and discover the wonderful people, nature, foods and culture!

- Display Area and Launch Date

"Welcome to Chiba" signboards (Wednesday, April 1 -)

In the arrival lobbies of Terminal 1 & Terminal 2

"An image photo of Chiba Prefecture to introduce the attraction of Chiba Prefecture" (Wednesday, April 8 -) in the arrival concourse for domestic flights in Terminal 3 on the first floor

*For passengers only

Introduction of Chiba Prefecture




"Welcome to Chiba" signboards

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