Polyplastics’ DURAFIDE (R) PPS Delivers Increased Transmittance and Toughness

in Laser-welded Applications


TOKYO, July 12, 2022 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

Polyplastics Co., Ltd., a leading global supplier of engineering thermoplastics, is finding successful use of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) in laser-welded applications such as automotive parts thanks to materials with enhanced capabilities. The company offers DURAFIDE (R) PPS which delivers greater transmittance and toughness and facilitates laser welding in a range of applications.


Image: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M100475/202207013343/_prw_PI1fl_A1l32SDK.png


Laser welding is a joining method that offers a long list of advantages, but it has been difficult to actually use with PPS due to its low laser transmittance and related mass production issues such as a narrow processing window. Polyplastics’ linear-type DURAFIDE (R) PPS is characterized by its white natural color, as opposed to the reddish-brown natural color of competitive crosslink-type PPS materials. That gives it superior laser transmissibility (light transmissibility in the infrared region) and makes laser welding possible.


DURAFIDE (R) PPS provides an approximately 6% improvement in laser transmittance which results in a wider processing window for a broad range of welding conditions. The material also delivers an approximately 28% improvement in toughness versus standard grades. This exceptional toughness is important for initial strength and durability. DURAFIDE (R) PPS also offers strong dimensional stability, low warpage, and chemical resistance.


DURAFIDE (R) PPS enables the use of laser welding for production of automotive electric components for which this method could not readily be used before. These automotive parts include electric water pumps, shift actuators, electric variable valve-timing actuators, solenoid valves, and various sensors.


Polyplastics is currently undertaking a development project to provide even better laser transmittance of PPS and further widen the processing window.


For more information, visit https://www.polyplastics-global.com/en/approach/11.html


About Polyplastics

Polyplastics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in the development and production of engineering thermoplastics. The company’s product portfolio includes POM, PBT, PPS, LCP, PET, COC, and LFT. The company has the largest global market share of POM and LCP. With more than 50 years of experience, the company is backed by a strong global network of R&D, production, and sales resources capable of creating advanced solutions for an ever-changing global marketplace.


*DURAFIDE (R) is a registered trademark of Polyplastics Co., Ltd. in Japan and in other countries.



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