Transforming Fukushima into "Region of Recovery": Fukushima Prefecture Releases Video of ...

Fukushima Prefecture

FUKUSHIMA, Japan, May 22, 2023 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Fukushima Prefectural Government

Transforming Fukushima into "Region of Recovery": Fukushima Prefecture Releases Video of "Fukushima Now," 12 Years after Great East Japan Earthquake


The Fukushima Prefectural Government has released a new video showing the present status of the prefecture, 12 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, on its official YouTube channel. The video features "charms" and "now" in the prefecture as well as Fukushima's vitality and proactive stance toward reconstruction.


- Fukushima Today It is 12 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Fukushima Prefecture has since been striving steadily toward reconstruction while receiving a great deal of support and encouragement from home and abroad. The video shows "Fukushima Now" which keeps on challenging under the slogan: "Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima."


- Transforming Fukushima into a "Region of Recovery" -- What Is Happening in Fukushima Today


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Simplified Chinese:



- Video Overview The video introduces 12 scenes of current Fukushima 12 years after the triple disaster.


1. Various reconstruction efforts are made under the slogan: "Making it a reality, one at a time. Fukushima."

2. The number of households relocating to settle in Fukushima in fiscal 2021 more than doubled from the previous year.

3. The number of residents who evacuated within or outside Fukushima dropped below 30,000 in 2022.

4. Seiko Gakuin High School advanced to the best 4 teams in the summer national high school baseball tournament, the first time for the school.

5. Fukushima is aiming for a carbon-free society under the "Fukushima 2050 Carbon Neutrality" declaration.

6. Fukushima is taking up new challenges in six major fields in line with the "Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework" project.

7. The harvest season for the "Akatsuki" peach variety begins in late July. Exports of Fukushima farm products reached a new all-time annual high in fiscal 2021.

8. Of the "Eight Routes in the Fukushima Road Reconstruction and Revitalization" project, two opened in 2022.

9. Fukushima-brewed sake (rice wine) brands won the largest number of gold medals for nine consecutive years in the Annual Japan Sake Awards competition.

10. The "Yuyake Berry" (Sunset Berry), a new strawberry variety developed exclusively in Fukushima over 10 years, made a debut.

11. The JR Tadami Line resumed full-fledged operations for the first time in 11 years.

12. Fukushima will continue to take on challenges in the future to turn it into a "region of recovery."


- Fukushima Revitalization Station -- a portal site for information on Fukushima’s reconstruction This is Fukushima Prefecture’s official website for information on reconstruction designed to provide information on the latest status of evacuation zones, infrastructure building, the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries, the Fukushima Innovation Coast Framework project, and so on for "global audiences" in "easy-to-find" and "easy-to-understand" ways.




Traditional Chinese:


- Special video site introducing the current situation of Fukushima -- "Fukushima Now" English:


Traditional Chinese:






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